I am not fond of this country honestly

I am not fond of this country honestly

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sound like a faggot, i visited and it was nice as fuck.

Visiting is nice because you get to leave. It's an awful place to live.

Shut up, fag.

>It's an awful place to live
let me just stop you there

Where would you rather live

>it's awful to live
fixed that for you

Australia is 10x better than here, would trade places in an instant

then which country you think you can fit in

how so? it would be my first choice to live if i couldnt live here for some reason

no culture
budget america
overrun by the chinese
boring nature

thats a plus
>no culture
absolutely retarded statement, a society cannot exist without culture
>budget america
nah, its like a mix of america and the u.k
grow a pair faggot
>boring nature
also wrong and retarded

Someone I don't have to use a fan for 9 months of the year. Somewhere it isn't 25 degrees in "winter". Somewhere that has first world internet. Somewhere rent and basic living costs aren't sky high. Somewhere antagonistic, obnoxious and anti-intellectualism isn't glorified. Somewhere where lolicons aren't viewed as evil men who should be locked up for having a wank to imagery online. Somewhere where people leave you the fuck alone and respect that public spaces aren't there to fill with shouting and noise. Somewhere the fuck not here.

No you wouldn't.

You only say that because you haven't spent a significant enough time living here. The only people who get the benefits of the "lucky country" are those born into stable middle to upper middle class families and happen to get life handed to them via nepotism. The most of us who have to work from the ground up are fucked and instead of looking at ways to improve this, we instead look for ways to keep each other held back. It is an entrenched sense of class divide and the media, etc. panders to the idea of a working class that is worth their salt when they keep their heads down and slave away all the while aggressively taking steps to cut away the rungs on the social ladder, shaming those who want to not be part of the cycle of shit.
It feels like we have an unspoken caste system here.

so basically youre a seething lazy pedophile neet?

australia is epic

kys pedo redditor

wrong and also retarded

I say no to cyberbullying!

I would dude. You don't realize how shit America is because the foreign idea of here is either NY or LA but I live in a flyover shithole where there's no money to be made and everyone is a shart in Mart stereotype and there's nothing to do

I have an important question: is Australia infected by SJWs or not?

lol freak

in melbun