Is this what Northern Europe looks like?

Is this what Northern Europe looks like?

Attached: Niederaussem ,Germany.jpg (1024x682, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:,5.7109406,3a,60y,292.78h,89.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siurm1JaW1-7dpQ3sXVfzyQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Wrong picture

Attached: niederaussem-power-station-martin-bondscience-photo-library.jpg (900x600, 77K)

It's just steam

>autonomous, non-fossil energy with high efficience
Pretty much, yeah. Cool, isn't it?

>non-fossil energy
pretty sure that's a coal plant
notice the tall skinny incinerator tower. nuke plants do not burn anything,5.7109406,3a,60y,292.78h,89.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siurm1JaW1-7dpQ3sXVfzyQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
town near my village

Attached: LemmerFSOfficeWeb-2.jpg (800x369, 72K)

Looks like Valve HQ

>nuclear power bad

Attached: 69.png (225x225, 8K)


Attached: European_sub-regions_(according_to_EuroVoc,_the_thesaurus_of_the_EU).png (1138x917, 61K)

That's Germany, not northern Europe. We don't use coal here.

Hello Mehmet. You haven't been taking your german lessons, have you?

another bait thread
but for zoomers and idiots:
northern europe is getting its energy from renewables mainly

Which are utter waste often (wind power for example)

technological issue, far better than having brown coal powerplants or buying energy abroad

>Which are utter waste often


Water power -> degradation of nature and animal life, inefficient
Wind power -> inefficient, degradation of views

Bad vs. bad is still bad.

having a bruise and breaking an arm is not the same
both are bad

im a native, not like you Achmed

If that were true you would know that nuclear power is banned in Germany and that the signs clearly say 'kohlebagger stoppen'.

nah man its coal. the protest shit in front of it says it.

then why cant you read? its coal.

>>nuclear power banned in germany
they said 2022 but we know that it could turn other ways but even after the decommissioning of the reactors, the chapter on nuclear power has not been completed. there is still no repository for the highly radioactive nuclear waste. and there is pleny of it in germany

>there is still no repository for the highly radioactive nuclear waste
Throw them in a volcano and basta.

Muh chernobyl muh fukushima

Just drop it off in finland

maybe in some countries, here in norway we only use hydro and windpower.

Greta will improve it

Attached: 880x495_cmsv2_6938cf40-8957-59ad-bd95-f25b470bf795-3712772.jpg (880x495, 44K)

I want to fuck her so bad bros.

I see where you're coming from. She's still ugly as fuck, though.