Are Economics/Business/Finance safe to study?

Are Economics/Business/Finance safe to study?

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Notice how there isn't a trade on this list. That's how I know this was made by a brainlet.

We have higher expectations that that

good goyim keep aspiring to help funnel more money to us.

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safe to study if you get a good internship. If not prepare to take shit

what about information systems?
is it really bad? for the brainlets who didn't get into CS? i actually chose IS 'cause I had to work while studying and I knew CS would be more difficult

>so what do you do user?
Oh, I’m a plumber

eh, yes but you truly need an internship to bounce into the market with. that is more important than anything else you do in uni. if you don't have 2 internships start fucking praying or try to sneak one in when you graduate.

How do I get an internship?

What a shitty made meme list.

>Aviation meh. Took my friend from HS 6 years but now he makes 170k+ a year and flys around the world.

>Construction meh. Half the project managers for major construction/restoration companies are in the 120k+ range and do nothing but sit on their ass and give out instructions to Site Supers.

>Anything in computers being good. Unless you get an internship at MS, Google or Tesla. Expect to be some shitty web developer or QA or washed up game developer making 50-80k a year outside of S-Valley or Texas.

>fixing someone's actual shitpipes

>Tfw studying to be a computer engineer
I can't wait to make robots to replace you wagies and suck my dick

>Nuclear engineer = good Tier
Yeah, okay. :^)


What about financial math?

Quantitative finance is god tier. Mathe & Statistics combined with finance

Data Science boiii
Job guaranteed.

>Not unbelievable tier

It's as safe as it's pointless

Sick. Plus my school is the best in my country and top 20 in world. Aye

This thing works like a graph
Engineering is ATH and I would short it.
That's why I would study Shit tier or Meh tier subjects.

I would kms if that was my entire degree. Just do math/compsci bachelor then do a masters in it if you really want.

>Transportation here

65k yr working 5hr days. Mon-fri
AC/not breaking my back.
Mad time for hobbies,guns,trading,cars

When i leave work for the day, I'm done no stress zero.

>how is that shit tier ?
>pic related

Attached: Screenshot_20180808-032901_Blockfolio.jpg (1440x2960, 365K)

Finish a project or two.

Wtf why do i always kill threads. Like everytime i post it goes dead quiet.

I mean fuck.

I just want everyone to know im a multimillionare bus driver who only works 5 hours a day cuz union LOL, who has a 9 /10 fiance that ive been with for 7 years sleeping next to me right now. In a 3 acre house in the country that i just bought. Im 27, fit as fuck and intelligent enough to be leveraging my postion in life to scrape by while being wildy sucessful.

Its fucking surreal.

Im everything you guys want to be and post about all the fucking time. Its fucking wierd.

I made it nerds.
I fucking made it

>Pic related its my backyard before i go back to bed

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Good job user.
>multimillionare with 27 and 65k a year with 5 hours per day?

doesn't even add up in your dreams, how much was the inheritance?


380ish BTC was just the remainder of whats left from trading it on D2JSP for d2 LOD items and shit.

help me pay off my student debt bro