Remember to breathe through your nose or you'll end up with crooked teeth, brain damage and permanent facial deformity

Remember to breathe through your nose or you'll end up with crooked teeth, brain damage and permanent facial deformity.

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I don't care

breathing with mouth to get cute jaw

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How can you even stop this though? Like this shit happens when people are toddlers, they don't understand anything about genetics or growth at that age. How is this fair?

How is it fair that someone's face becomes fucked up because they did something biologically normal at a young age?

Of course you don't. Probably because the damage has already been done and your brain works at half speed.

1. Parents can prevent it by closing the kids mouth manually
2. Life's not fair anyways
3. Unless you're like 30+ most people can reverse this and correct their faces

I can't. I've had 2 operations on my nose to correct it but it's still blocked when I sleep, so i mouthbreathe and wake up with dry mouth every morning. The muslim surgeon refuses to do any more surgery and blames my allergies every time I see him. I'm too poor to go private. I will probably lose all my teeth by the time I'm 40

>3. Unless you're like 30+ most people can reverse this and correct their faces
no they can't
the cutoff is like 20 at most, unless you're talking surgery but that's not age dependent and also risks nerve damage

Have you gone to a dentist, or better yet an orthodontist?

how fat are you?

there's no way mouthbreathing leads to a crooked nose

There are palate expanders that work for adults as well if you want to fix ur face if u fucked up as a kid. I have a narrow palate from mouth breathing but somehow my jaw and chin a cheekbones are developed however my cheekobones could be better looking and are a bit flat but not too bad they look similar to jamie lannisters cheek bones

Get it fixed before you start "preferring Asian women"

Oh yes it does.

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Facial bones arent fused even in adult hood and wearing a palate expander can give you better looking cheekbones but not reallly change the lower jaw much

the bottom part of the nose is attached to the upper jaw. If you breath through your nose your tongue rests against the upper jaw, so when the skull grows it gets pushed outwards like when pressing on a ball of dough. If you mouthbreathe, the upper jaw recedes, which pulls the nose inwards, making it crooked.

I've done that because of my fucked up septum until I stopped being a pussy and got the surgery at 22
got a sleek n tears jaw and perfect teeth so I guess I lucked out (minus the obvious brain damage because I'm on this website)

I saw a pic the other day of me as a kid and I had every single symptom of mouthbreathing: long, oval face, open mouth, etc. I had always a closed nose due to boogers
Somehow I managed to unfuck myself big time and now I have a square jaw, straight nose, "hunter eyes" and decent teeth.
Still an autist though lmao

You only sleep 7 hrs a day so if you breath through nose rest of hours u should be good

I don't know about the teeth stuff, but people far into their 20s can reverse facial deformity and improve their jaw and chin. Yes, it's not as easy as if you're 10 when the skull is still in development. It will take longer time and it probably won't have as great a change, but it is still most certainly possible without surgery

I have a wide jaw and still like boys more than girls. It doesn't matter. Being a manlet, obese, or bald under 30 does.

so that's how you get roman nose

wtf how come nobody told me this when I was a kid no wonder I'm so ugly

Because doctrors who say this will be shut down by the establishment who go by the doctrine that your face is mostly fixed and only them doing surgery on you will help. Just look at Mike Mew, who despite years of practice have basically proven that orthotropics work, is no longer allowed to be a doctor because boomers and jews said so