Java -- Canadian

Java -- Canadian
C -- American
C++ -- Danish
Python -- Dutch
C# -- Danish
JavaScript -- American
PHP -- Jewish
Objective-C -- American
SQL -- American
Pascal/Object Pascal/Delphi -- Swiss
Perl -- American
Ruby -- Japanese
Swift -- American
Rust -- Canadian
Dart -- Danish
Kotlin -- Russian
Go -- American/Canadian
Scala -- Swiss
Lisp -- American
Erlang -- Swedish
Ada -- French

Choose the right one.

Attached: 1_BNTVANUr5kNm9faDrAUrKg.jpg (848x477, 84K)

Best - Lisp
Worst - Java


t.wannabe AI tech

Best C++.
Worst Ruby and Java.

t. foot snack enthusiast


This, C, R, or SQL

The Ruby developer pretty much hates the community for being completely tranny infested, which is pretty funny

I only know Python and C. :(

Why do people hate Java? My favorite languages are Go and Java.

It's still weird to me that Ruby's dev is a Japanese neocon Mormon.


JS for the guap
Rust, C and Go for fun

>Why do people hate Java?
Slow, verbose, huge bloatware with ton of JARs/JRE/JDKs Open/Oracle Java EE and other shit.

Also for GUI programming:

AWT -- Ancient shit
Swing -- Old shit
JavaFX -- Bloatwared and unmaintained now shit
SWT -- Non cross-platform shit

there is something wrong with you if you actually enjoy programming

for me, it's C

t. embedded software engineer

>there is something wrong with you
No shit. Where do you think we are?

also, this

Everyone in your country likes programming.

t. Dublin

Html the best.

This is a good reason to hate programming communities in general, they are infested with transexuals.

No, they aren't. Trannies are really rare, they just love to talk about their transexual ways on the internet, regardless of topic.


Attached: 1551393529326.jpg (500x508, 17K)

What to choose Django or Flask for a simple blog?

Tfw I only use C and python

The visibility alone is troublesome. I never even met a tranny until I had to deal with programmers.

I choose flint and sticks, because once the electromagnetic storm covers Earth and destroys your gay ass technology, only anarchoprimitivists will live
Day of the cable soon, pr*gramist soyboys

Attached: pobrane.jpg (1000x621, 310K)

lisp and scheme are so fucking beautiful in every way, it's just unreal
absolutely adore them

worst is probably gonna have to be javascript

Attached: kutaka.jpg (475x600, 68K)

If you want to learn programming to get a job do you need to learn all those languages???


no. but they are full of soyboys in IT and hates all my colleagues

Java and JS are the only things EVERY programmer is required to know.

Java and Javascript for jobs.
C++ for hobbies.

I've dealt with a shitton of programmers, and never encountered a tranny.

t. indian in charge of making websites

I’m vegan and work in IT. I hate everyone around me.

I can't even write Hello World in Java
guess I should quit my job

No, pick a language you like and start working on projects. Build a portfolio and start applying to companies after a few years.

Get a better job

>after a few years
>waiting that long to get a job

i want to get out of texas because it's a sweltering spic-infested shithole and move to seattle for both the climate, the white people and the six figure salary
but every company i've interviewed with there seems full of those sorts of latte sippers, while my colleagues at local companies have always been Good Ol' Boys or just plain normal people

If you're applying for a junior position at a decent company then I doubt a couple of months of experience is enough. Maybe web dev or something is easier to find a job in, I don't know.

If you're going to invest that kind of time and effort, better to aim for something a bit better than codemonkey.