Between the countries in yellow, which has the highest tolerance of hatespeech?

Between the countries in yellow, which has the highest tolerance of hatespeech?

Attached: bufferzone.png (1361x982, 197K)

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Why do you want to insult people? Don't come to my country

Because fuck gays and jews


Isn't it wonderful that you can just insult me back and not have me arrested? If only Europe would learn.

Why do people keep saying Pooland though. Pooland has some of the strictest hatespeech laws.

nah, only idiotic blasphemy laws, because we're basically a theocracy (cathotaliban).
Article 256 & 257 are very strictly worded. Are they just never used or what?

>Yellow countries
Probably Japs or some thirdies

We do.

>selected cases from the past 30 years
more like all the cases

I do have trouble finding cases the laws are applied.

How welcoming is Poland to white foreigners?

>Why do people keep saying Pooland though
because of le epic anti refugee stance xD
don't expect anyone here to be able to think about anything else

their anti-refugee stance is quite epic though

we were all 'refugees welcome' like everyone else even as far as spring 2015. this stat changed dramatically over the course of a few months.

also i remember even the catholic conservatives proposing different solutions back in 2015. that is humanitarian corridors. kind of like the thing trudeau did. actively rescuing people from endangered places in syria and bringing them here and relocating them among parishes. there was one caveat though - they had to belong to one of the most vulnerable syrian religious minorities like eastern christian church, yazidis etc.

speaking rudely and using hate speech is a non white trait, I have never done so nor seen any white that wasn't a subhuman that did so either.

Attached: click.jpg (845x906, 94K)

desu they failed miserably by not doing this. because now all of EU now uses us as the scapegoat for bigotry and backwardness.

but if we imported some reasonable numbers of christian families back then (that is hundreds instead of thousands, and christian families instead of hordes of radicalised male youth from who knows where), we would have the upper hand now. for every german accusation we could just show them one big fuck you. but of course our government fucked this up too.


>tolerance of hatespeech
I feel like we came full circle in terms of political buzzwords

Are you able to form 2 sentences without referring to whever you consider something white or not white? With burger flags I can never tell if they're just larping according to their own stereotypes for shits and giggles or if they're genuinely that autistic. It's uncanny.

1. Poland
2. Czech Republic
3. Switzerland

Those are just normal words you illiterate monkey

>desu they failed miserably by not doing this. because now all of EU now uses us as the scapegoat for bigotry and backwardness.
They could do that either way, you stupid cuck. Why are you talking as it was still 2015? They whined for a while and eventually nothing happened. No sanctions, no nothing. We got this one right.
>but if we imported some reasonable numbers of christian families back then
No, fuck off. That would create a precedence of EU dictating us our foreign policies, which was never the part of the deal. Whom exactly and in which numbers would arrive here is irrelevant.
>we would have the upper hand
No, we wouldn't. Their media could paint us however they'd want. Did you spent the last few years under a rock or something? They blatantly lie all the time and nobody calls them out for it. It doesn't matter what we do.
>for every german accusation we could just show them one big fuck you
We could, did, can, and still do, and rightfully so. Again: nothing happened.
>but of course our government fucked this up too.
For once it actually did not, but compromising, fence-sitting cunts such as yourself can only ever bitch and whine regardless of what happens.

>tolerance good
>hatespeech bad
>tolerance of hatespeech bad

>That would create a precedence of EU dictating us our foreign policies, which was never the part of the deal.
this was our original idea, you inbred korwin worshipper

kurwa jak to jest że polaczki na 4chanie to zawsze najgorsza zgnilizna społeczna. weź wypierdalaj na wykop śmieciu


i believe most polish posters should be contained in /polska/ thread

they're subhuman scum in the end

based wowik