You wake up in your current location circa 1919

You wake up in your current location circa 1919

Attached: Pyramid of captured German helmets, New York, 1919.jpg (1400x1153, 165K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Queensland

Sweet, that means I get to live through 20 years of golden age.


Im in the middle of nowhere

Time to troll young Stalin

Attached: 42028.jpg (1200x798, 212K)

My family farm has been here since pre-Civil War so I guess I get to working.

this is a few years before but i can't imagine it changed that much between 1906 and 1919,_Queensland

Attached: 656jweb.jpg (1000x710, 97K)

also, i think i'd be sitting in the middle of a eucalyptus forest. it's still very green where i am

Kansas city in 1919 would by extremely comfy

Attached: 5-053b12f74c.jpg (687x1101, 292K)

OH F*CK!!!

Attached: bank_10119_67907.jpg (420x251, 40K)

I'm black so not very fun

Me on the right

Attached: 2723.jpg (550x550, 54K)

Wtf i love fascism now

which state?

Ah shit, guess i'm communist now

I marry my Comanche bf

Join the Communist revolution.

I'm still in my family home. I should go back to 1720 to find something different




ded, I live in the desert. This community didn't exist back then

Attached: 0231ywriANmn.jpg (1200x789, 559K)