Do Americans find it weird that European countries don't follow bipolarism in politics?

Do Americans find it weird that European countries don't follow bipolarism in politics?

Attached: Commission Projection.png (763x612, 55K)

no party has gotten over 30% in finland since the early 20th century

I find it weird how you brag about having so many parties but always end up in the same 2 coalitions of either a centre-left or centre-right government.

big tent parties that do favours for constituents will always be popular. At least small fringe parties can bring up issues and such in parliament that the main parties won’t

It stabilizes governments towards the middle
What's important is the internal composition of the coalition. ALDE and the Greens will play a big difference in the next Commission

sometimes we get really extravagant governments because there are more issues than just economics

in 2011 the right and left united as a government to prevent the anti-immigration party from getting to power

>coalitions of either a centre-left or centre-right
That IS the key advantage, you avoid the political tribalism associated with two party systems in say America or Australia.

People have more options to choose from. The American system is so fucked, you either get to vote for complete far-left nutjobs whose selling point are identity politics, or for a bunch of war-mongering climate change deniers. It's so cancerous, and it spreads to the internet too, because American people identify with their parties so much that they can't shut the fuck up about them and have to rub their views into everybody's faces wherever they go.

Europeans just have lots of parties with ideologies that are fairly uniform.
US has two parties with a wide range of ideologies.

>People have more options to choose from. The American system is so fucked, you either get to vote for complete far-left nutjobs whose selling point are identity politics, or for a bunch of war-mongering climate change deniers. It's so cancerous, and it spreads to the internet too, because American people identify with their parties so much that they can't shut the fuck up about them and have to rub their views into everybody's faces wherever they go.
You spend to much time on Jow Forums and don't understand the first thing about Americans.

The leader of the PSD is literally in the prison right now, they blackmailed Timmerman directly and they lost the EU elections too. It's like some fantasist bs written by a college prof that can't even tie his shoes.

>The American system is so fucked, you either get to vote for complete far-left nutjobs whose selling point are identity politics
What wacko world are you living in where the Democrats are "far left"? If you look at their policies, they're really just a centre/centre-right party, although in recent times, some of their biggest and most popular names are significantly more left leaning than in previous decades, so maybe that won't be true for too much longer

they want open borders, reparations and abortion up to birth. that's pretty far left

Also EPP/alde/Greens is most likely.

Their top ranking politicians like AOC unironically use terminology like old white men, they're also pro-trans.

>they want open borders, reparations and abortion up to birth. that's pretty far left
Abolition of private property would be far left. The things above were some typical socdem stuff a few years back.

multi-party democracies btfo

Apart from the abortion thing maybe.

At least they have the option of picking a centre-left position

Spain had only two major parties up until five-six years ago, before the birth of the populist left-wing Syriza tier 'Podemos' and the ascension of the centre-right, good goy, EU-loving 'Ciudadanos'.

Identity politics is the only thing that counts when deciding upon whether a party is left or right-leaning these days. It's grim as fuck, but the eternal merchant obviously loves it

Here they rule all together. Seats are calculated with "the magic formula"

Italy has always been an effectively two party system for most of its republican history. We have only had brief stints of tripolar systems like for a few years until now with M5S.

Really interested to see how this will work in Russia after our current system expires. Definitely not 2-party system because Russia has proportional electoral system.
If internet is any indication, there will be two big parties: patriotic (nationalist) and anti-patriotic (globalist), both right-of-centre economically.


If you think about it, the most based system of government is single party, so the US having only two parties means we are closer to perfection than you retards with a bunch of parties.

Attached: 1533345168921.png (248x363, 66K)

>reparations and abortion up to birth
Can't imagine that would be more than 0,1% of dems. Biden is set to win the bid and he would be considered a right-winger over here. The major left-dems like Warren and Bernie don't support those things either - they also have taken some shots at open borders (Bernie called it a Koch plot).

You shouldn't take news from Jow Forums.