I want an euro gf :(

I want an euro gf :(

Attached: 1550615683658.webm (660x720, 851K)

The second girls start puking at parties I snag as many bottles as i can and I ditch lmao

Absolutely based. Upvoted!

This is how european girls stay thin.

Americans should do the same.

This is when you realize the wrong side won WWII.

I don't understand this.
Can someone please explain?

She drunk as fuck.

Is this a porn video? Who recorded it?

You never been out drunk? Probably a party or the balcony of a club. Everyone records everything these days.

No, I haven't. I'm a shut in with no experience with parties, drinking with friends and shit like that.
Thanks for reminding me.

She just has pregnancy sickness. There's a black baby inside her.

good thing it will grow up deformed then

I hate Europeans so fucking much

She saw a Neggroid on the TV


): I’d share a drink with you if you ever visit here, chimpjuanzee

it's called "beer degustation" from mydrunkenstar or something, girl's name is Misa


She's puking, not moaning in excitement.

> moaning in excitement
You meant to say ''mopping up excrement'' !?

Jesus Christ you're dumb as fuck

leave him alone, he hasn’t experienced the delights of the night

later in the video she pisses on the floor

Do you have all their videos or something?

I just checked and it's actually earlier in the video not later.
and no

Shame, I'm trying to find a torrent, but it's all just one and one video with very few seeders


i think i got it in some vomit folder, will check

It's the one where she's leaning against the tree in public and just pissing on the ground isn't it?

White people....

>Imagine living in hot asstits land
>Be a fucking shutin

Can we shoot him?

no, it's on the floor inside the apartment where this video is shot.
the camera man tells her the toilet is broken.

Oh. I swear I've seen her in those exact clothes pee outside on the street as well.

isnt that henessy?

/gif/ has pretty much all the highlights but the archive has gone to shit.

>tfw i made that webm 5 years ago

Attached: plskillme.jpg (600x399, 27K)