Why was he so popular with everyone outside of America?

Why was he so popular with everyone outside of America?

Attached: President_Barack_Obama.jpg (2687x3356, 1.2M)

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He's black

Only yuros liked him because they're a bunch of self-hating lefitst cucks who love Islam

he made nonamericans feel like they mattered (lol)

Euros love niggers.

Might be related to the fact that he didn't conduct international diplomacy via the means of crazy Twitter rants.


Attached: 1558541720499.png (894x773, 48K)

because his bars were fire

Thanks Canada

Preceded by a bottom 5 president who was a genocidal maniac surrounded by other genocidal maniacs. Succeeded by a retard.

That's why

These guys understand it

Says who ?

Cause he was a black muslim and everyone was virtue signaling

>implying obumer wasnt a genocidal maniac

There's your typical American president stuck in the military-industrial complex level of genocidal maniac, and then there's Bush

>bush bad
You an Iraqui?

>okay, Obama isn't as bad because this time, he didn't send the troops in to the mess that the United States made anyway

Attached: 1519825048053.jpg (680x510, 14K)


Guess so

Literally who is this gansta raper?


>neocon boomer shitheads

Spotted the zoomer who was born in 2000 and doesnt even remember Bush.

The Bush years were a fucking nightmare. God it was awful.

Due to racism. The sole reason he stood out and was perceived as something of a revolutionary was the color of his skin.

At least Bush wasn't trying to genocide white Americans by selling it out to spics and niggers.

He has charisma.
And this.

>either you're with us, or against us
early part of the invasion was kino. took like two weeks to dismantle iraq. everyone wanted blood

what the fuck? that's exactly what he and his corporate shills were doing. he went out of his way to put spics on a pedestal, talking spanish and all that crap. obama deported more illegals than bush ever did, look it up

>2 weeks
Yet still in for 17 years burning money

still disingenuous to pin it on neocons. after 9/11 the war sentiment was unanimous, except for like ron paul

He actually made an effort to "make America great again".


what did Iraq have to do with 9/11? oh wait yeah, nothing

he was a decent person

...what? where do you think the wmd / harboring al quaeda accusations stemmed from moron

Not the first dude. But support was high after being lied to

Who does Israel like more Obama or Trump?

Swedes love BBC (Big Black Cock!).

yeah but at the time people didn't care, only those frog cowards did

Virtue signaling.

Would the world like Ron Paul? He would withdraw the military from everywhere, withdraw from NATO, remove tariffs from all imports, etc.

>remove tariffs from all imports
That's bad tho

Far better than the waste of oxygen that preceded him, and many many times better than the scumbag in office now.

That's besides the point. Would removing tariffs make him popular with the world?

In China and Latam. Idk about in Africa.