Will there be a Chainlink Enterprise Alliance?

If you look at ethereum's chart, the mooning in 2017 began after the announcement of the EAA. Will LINK have something similar with IBM, Microsoft, Docusign, IntellectEU, etc?

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Why is this the only source that discusses link? I never hear about that coin anywhere else.

>he doesn't know

If they announce something like it we're hitting $10 EOY easy.

The team is purposefully trying to keep it out of the limelight


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Everyone says it’s just a meme coin, but my ticker keeps showing growth.

Sorry for newfagging, but what’s it based on and can I mine the shit?

Holy shit guys

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It doesn't need one. It's a fundamental piece of infrastructure but it's middleware. You don't need to make the middleware the focus of that sort of enterprise group.

h o l y
s h i t

It's not mine-able. It's a decentralized oracle network. The best way to find info on it is to search the archives from back in late 2017/early 2018. Back then there were actual discussions about it. Now everyone knows how big it's going to be so they just fuck around.

There's so much information out there I don't even know where to start trying to explain LINK. You overturn 1 stone and find 10 more with information under them

smug son of a bitch

Thanks for a reasonable response. I want to put together a little something on the side and people troll too hard.

January convinced me.
In Feb I fomo'd.
All true.

how new are you? fuck off nigger

just remember,
>you're going to make it

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Chainlink is already a part of the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance

Very new. So what? Gotta start somewhere.

Don’t be a douche.

Start by reading the whitepaper you freeloading nigger

Trips confirm, read the white paper user

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