Do americans really do this?

Do americans really do this?

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600/600 galactic connection here

Yes but it only costs $200/month plus tip

if that is the internet they choose to pay for

if i increase my internet speed will the ping go down or it is a geography problem?
So, what have you torrented lately lads?

Don't forget the data cap and the ISP slapping their wrists if they pirate stuff.

*laughs in Korean*

Attached: 23A6403C-B34D-4875-8E56-E1420359CBE5.png (796x1220, 60K)

not my downloads

Attached: dd.png (1113x97, 6K)

good taste bud

Attached: 1559088498722.png (1182x613, 66K)

Like half of these are not mine

Attached: Снимок экрана (421).png (1915x973, 104K)

fuck all of you with good internet
i'm getting cucked by a company that has a monopoly. but feds don't care about my area

you know, you could... mmm... change to another ISP...

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There are not any. I said it was a monopoly they literally bought out the competion. Raised prices, and then mysteriously have technical problems that make it not work. I’ve debated getting a lawyer to look into it

oh, that's terrible...
but I guess since they're your only ISP, you have no choice but to just deal with it...

a real shame...

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Your download speed has no relation to your ping. It’s the quality of your connection, ie your network. If you install a decent fibre network you’ll have decent ping.

and the upload speed? does it have relation with the ping

Ping is how fast you connect to the internet. Download and upload speed is simply how fast you can download or upload data into the internet.

Having more download or upload speed won't make your games have less ping.

Ping is how long it takes to receive a response (any response) from a server. It's largely separate from upload/download speed.

i am doomed to high ping then since i live in the middle of jungle in the north of brazil