jawja edition
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
first for the delta
based and Georgiapilled
the fed needs to be dismantled
checked and confirmed
now for some happy French updates.
I meant the blues delta.
I thought you liked them
That Delta is pretty clearly blue
no, i just think that anti-fed and anti-fiat alarmism is wrong
I want that farm land boy. once its mine I'll make it likewise.
oh ok. fair enough.
otherwise**. excuse my retardation
night yall
makes you think...
there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with basing your economy on conflict diamonds
>not basing your economy on selling cargo planes and business jets to third world shitholes for diamonds and oil
never gonna make it
night bud
>You are receiving this email because you have registered for one or more courses that does not apply to your Program of Study for the Fall Semester.
>The course in question is literally required for my major
Having smoked ribs, shrimp, baked beans, and a glass of wine.
where THE FUCK is the daily dixie you lazy homo cunt
>jared leto is 47 years old
imagine not having tripfags filtered
do you really have penman filtered
i have ALL tripfags filtered
you know if a 40 year old boomer can get the flags on mobile so should you
Tried it
Not only did it not work but the layout was less pleasing on Mozilla than this app
Good news, I didn't know but I just checked and it's right.
The Senate pretty much thwarted a shitty reconstruction.
They voted it to look as close as possible as the "last known visual", and will have any deviation from the original materials be justified.
Only the spire is still controversial, since it was from the 19th and already different than the rest of the cathedral perhaps we'll have something new. But judging how the senate reacted I doubt we'll end up with a glass shard
>Dimanche, assumant être « conservatrice » en la matière, la maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo (PS), s’est dite « favorable à ce que [la cathédrale] soit restaurée à l’identique », tout en mettant de côté la question de la flèche, qui « n’a été ajoutée qu’au XIXe siècle ». « Aucune indignité ne doit peser sur le XIXe siècle ni sur Viollet-le-Duc », a plaidé le chef de file des sénateurs LR, Bruno Retailleau (Pays de la Loire).
the spire will come back too
I missed that part
Alright then
As long as there's not an eco-tolerance-gender-free museum about how all religions are the same under the new roof I'm ok
needs a domac at the entrance though
tell me frog what lies beneath Notre-Dame
nuclear warheads loaded with patong
most secret memes
Right beneath the cathedral idk but in front of it the ground was dug and there are gallo-roman ruins to be visited
erDOGcunt just announced a new judiciary reform.
Its pretty long but part of it is about ''reducing internet bans''
basically rather then banning websites outright they are going to ban certain pages.
Hopefully imgur will get unbanned cause its fucking annoying i cant see any photos on the internet.
Im pretty annoyed at how erdog just now announced the judiciary package and, without the consent of literally anybody, decided to roll out some of the reforms into the law. Just by his own will he can do that.
fucking boring
the fuck did you want then retard
futurist design
btw though it look cool this pic is functionally horrible
peak american idiocy
ar*ps hate the jews because they are the only semitic race local to the middle east that the dirty peninsular desert bedouin's havent manage to destroy and assimilate
It does look pretty cool imo, I'm 100% ok with building new weird ass buildings, I'm ok with skyscrapers too
But fixing Notre-Dame with the ebin glass and steel just because Macron is loudmouthed and said "yea we're doing it in 5 years top" would be wrong.
5 years is fucking retarded.
I would love it if they had new designs on the church but it should take 5-8 years on the designing table alone so it can be a grand example for future construction designs
If you like futuristic buildings you should build them as new churches, destroyed historical monuments should be restored to it's original state as much as possible
Imagine if Aja Sofia was destroyed in an earthquake or smth and you just make some glass/steel reconstructions
Retarded and luckily isn't happening
I'd be ok with new designs too, but I'd wish the materials to be mostly coherent with what it already there
I'd be ok with a very different spire too but fuck minimalistic designs
Lm@oing at the riots there'd be if the government helped fund a new massive cathedral here
What are some otherwise common websites that are banned in Turkey
yeah but notre dame was already not historical
it had numerous re-designs over the decades.
>just some glass/steel reconstruction
neo-design doesnt have to be cheap ikea shit you know grandpa
designing process would take shitload of time anyway, most likely hundreds of designs would be given to the assembly/parlemento or the public to be voted upon so it wouldnt be some hot garbage.
The Germans have discovered my subversive activities. Vital Confederate positions are in danger of discovery.
wat do?
porn sites in general
geocities (whateverthefuckthatis)
some bullshit western media akin to breitbart or stormfront
myspace (haha)
some websites get banned for short periods then open up like youtube,facebook,twitter, google, alibaba, amazon etc
all me
Well I would too if there's no need for one and if it would throw our budget into a deficit
We live in era of tourism, people give more though and care to historical buildings and sites, france makes money out of it. Tourists don't want to see a space dome on Notre Dame
Also it's breddy disrespectful. I would approve of structural improvements if there were some problems with it before and if some visual changes came with it but redesigning it just for the lulz is not cool
Yep, shit'll take a while
But did you know France is so big we have
They lurk the thread which is preferable to them actually posting
But since there's a filtered post in here now I'm going to hold you accountable for indirectly encouraging filth to speak
I bring nothing but chaos and destruction wherever I go. Forgive me, for I have sinned against all that is holy.
NO anime
dumb rhetoric
you are only scared of change but change is the nature of notre dame
the current design was alien to the people in 1831 aswell and now everyone thinks ''it was always that well''
hell in 1831 they redesigned it cause a of a novel lmao
please stop attracting trash here
>it had numerous re-designs over the decades.
True, but to the untrained eye it's still stone with stone, wood with wood, it looks ancient even in the "young" 200 y.o parts.
On the other hand projects like those with a damn garden, elevator and lookout tower, all transparent, are just a big sore absolutely impossible to harmonize with the stern stone walls
I'm not saying it would be impossible to mix modern materials and architectures, but the projects that popped these past 2 months were shite and looked like fixing a whole in a marble wall with tar
Moin, was studiert ihr denn so?
Can you really blame me for my trolling when it is this easy to Farm (You)'s from anons on this site?
There was one time I pretended to be a Black Nationalist (with a meme flag) who kidnapped French and Canadian kids and I got like 20 responses before the thread got archived.
I am the cancer killing Jow Forums.
If you post on Jow Forums you are doing anything but killing Jow Forums
This thread has been occupied.
You must now accept pizza as a staple food, or you will be banished to the hells of Emskirchen.
yeah because they were only proto-designs to build upon.
Look im not for macron here i think finishing the redesigns in 5 years is fucking dumb it should be a decade long project so questioning the future prospects of the building on rushed designs made by some unpaid architects in 2 months is not efficient grounds to question the validity of whether or not the cathedral should get a redesign.
The public and macron are acting too hasty and because of their idiocy now its going to be yet another boring old cathedral
Thank you based Koreabernd for inviting us.
>Can you really blame me for my trolling when it is this easy to Farm (You)'s from anons on this site?
Yes, I can
>I am the cancer killing Jow Forums
Interacting with Jow Forums is never a positive
suddenly im getting lots of filtered posts
>NO anime
don't you have touhou- and/or anemiposters like all the other places? What do you do if you need to uwu real bad?
Yep me too
this is pretty funny. where did it come from?
yeah my niggas, post-modernist btfo'd. thought they was hot shit on a ripe opportunity to progress france eh? not today.
french vampires too lazy to get out of their tomb even for a fire.
i learned in art class that bitch took a long time to set up
das hier ist /deutsch/ oder?
Du kannst doch hier der Animeiposter sein uezs.
Ja uezs.
>its going to be yet another boring old cathedral
Yeah and I say that's a good thing
Out of the million places where people can experiment and better modern architectures, I do not see why Notre-Dame would have to be one.
The fact that it is possible to make a perfect hybrid cathedral that would content most people if we wait 50 years does not mean we have to. There's nothing boring with massive gothic cathedrals if you have ever stepped into one
pfostiert apu
Warum sprechen Amis Englisch in unserem Faden?
morning yall
No frogs allowed in ze German thread.
That being said I don't want a 3D printed old looking cathedral either, I'd rather the talents of the country be put to use and help preserve all the crafts that are involved in such a building while at it.
yeah but none of the other places where you can experiment will have the funding, cultural relevance or time to make something that we a ''modern world wonder''
Notre dame has that possibility, it will attract many great innovative designers and investors, to get rid of such an opportunity to take a new step in the world of design and possibly art and literature in general is a great loss.
What about my cracka Henri
Good morning bud
something that will be a ''modern world wonder'' *
He be crackin
is the snow gone yet? also wanted to ask you about your uni's up there. any based christian ones?
Yes it's gone, now it's just raining
>Any based Christian ones?
I've never heard of any because they're usually very small and only have a theological curriculum, why do you ask?
what the fuck is a christian uni
not like a literal university to become a preacher but one thats faith based and wholesome.
No I don't think we have any faith based ones that aren't strictly faith based
Always liked this one it's soothing to look at
Idk this sounds reasonnable but I'm just very defiant towards making Notre-Dame a battleground for the most innovative projects.
Especially because it is highly culturally relevant for us, actually. What happened was (likely) an accident, it needs to be fixed, end of story imo. There isn't even something to justify making Notre-Dame some kind of example like there would have been if it was destroyed through war or some terror attack.
The French don't want it back as fast as possible, but they want it done close enough to what they think a cathedral looks like.
Perhaps it's a shame for the global world of art, but the people here don't care when it comes to that prime national symbol, and I can't blame them