So heres my idea.
>Rent a large four bedroom appartment.
>Rent out as rent free, food,underwear and sock inclusive.
>Girls only
>Buy wholesale womens underwear and socks
>Collect underwear and socks everyday
>Make sure the apartment has a home exercise room
>Really juice up them panties
I know it sounds nuts,rent free, food included and all that,but ive ran the numbers, and four young girls producing full sets of used underwear 30days a month adds up ridiculous amounts of money
>You will be landlord-san of a panty production hall
Used panty money making machine
I'm applying to be a Jow Forums Janitor. Hopefully I get the position.
Could unironically work, but you have to be prepared to export the underwear far and wide to make a profit, as well as developing a presence on all relevant fetish communities. It would also be good if you could strike a deal with one of the girls so she knows what you are doing.
Finally, you are going to lose every ounce of morality that you ever had.
Wait, what? How are you even planning to get the underwear back from the girls? Sure you can give it out for free, but they're not gonna fucking donate it back to you. And a free apartment that's only for girls and happens to also provide free panties is weird as fuck. No one's gonna agree to that, it's suspicious
Now this is the kind of Jow Forums i like to see
I want to know who the fuck buys this shit
OP here, the girls are aware, but even so, no rent, free food, free living, a small wage girls would still fo for it. It would be presented as a job opportunity where i would offer quality living in exchange for sweaty underwear. Possiblyone larger organization controlling multiplesmaller sorrorities
Did you run the numbers too ?
I know you were trying to be funny but this is actually a really good idea. I'm lowkey considering it. Also just in case I do: please don't prank call my number or spam my email if you see ads pop up in Washoe County.
Can I participate in your ICO?
>i want to work for free
>steals an idea he saw on Netflix
The absolute fucking state
>It would be presented as a job opportunity where i would offer quality living in exchange for sweaty underwear
What a time to be alive, sad thing is this could totally work
Already ALL IN.
Best investment since the start of 2018
You would get sued for sexual harassment. Possibly arrested for exploitation.
Unless you tell them the plan and they sign off on it for a cut.
Men world be cheaper and I guarantee no one desperate enough to buy used panties can tell the difference
>it’s suspicious
Lmao like that ever stopped a woman
Bought $100k
Not a bad idea. You could sell different flavors like young, old, after sport, after sex. Maybe film some of the chicks with their consent and sell their panties + a small movie.
so 4x30 panties a month?
probably have to sell global to not saturate the market though
how long does one buyer have from a panty, does it "wear" out?
great idea retard, bet you run out of customers within the first week.
user how do i get in in this?
The cut is they get a free apartment numb nuts. Of course they would sign some agreement.
The best thing I like about this "idea" is how proprietary it is, nobody else could do this, name your price user I AM ALL IN!
>working for free
That won't hold up in a court and you know that.
I've unironically tried out pimping my GFs panties and made some experiments. You can't keep it in a vacuum bag for more than 3 days and that's already kinda diagusting. It just starts smelling like old, sweaty clothes, not in any good way, in a very, very bad way, not feminine at all. I guess you have 1 day when it's shipped instantly. The work is almost not worth it, communicating with customers, packing it up well, sending it out, dealing with hassles by the customers. They're all perverts and are asking for meeting the girl all the time too which is hideous.
So what. Let them meet your girl. Your girl should also spread her cheeks in front of them and let them analyze, sniff, and lick her butthole.
But what if they decide not to wear the underwear and socks? Believe it or not Roasties are very fickle and moreover if they do like the type of underwear you provide what's to say they won't go and take it from you and claim it was theirs and that you are raping them by demanding your underwear back?
hahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHHA oh fuck I needed that thank you.
>Ewww perverts. Why they can't let me sell my gf's underwear in peace!
Well yeah, maybe an online shop, and 4 times 30, where the panties go for 200 a pop. Thats 24000 dollars
She was in on the idea, I got it from here ironically. We both had usecases for easy money and it seems like no work at all selling your dirty clothes but it's a hard hustle. Customer base is worse than junkies.
Then they can get the fuck out of my appartment
Panties don't go for 200 a pop I'm sorry to crush your dreams but if you're really lucky selling almost celebrity status underwear you'll get that price. 50-100$ is where it's at mostly, most of it for 50$.
50 dollar underwear does not compare to my quality
I'm laughing at you because you think you're better than the perverts, when you're the biggest saddest pervert of all
time to kys
Well maybe you can sell me on 100$ with videos and background stories and all that but I can tell you, some are even looking exclusively for amateur underwear, not semi professionally stuff that's sold in bulk.
why don't you just ask the girls? give them a percentage
apartment, rent free, food, etc sounds stupidly expensive.
this is the correct answer. Why waste all the time/resources with apartments when you can just post ads on CL buying undies for $5/each and flipping them for $15-20. This way it doesn't limit you to 4 girls and well as the issues of signing lease/insurance/food/etc.
Just go on craigslist and various cam girl website and build up a profile of as many girls as you can get and go that route. Less overhead the better.
What is this morality you're talking about user? I don't understand? Is it like food?
The panty apartment is a sexy story that can up the value of the product. Not to mention how you could film them in the apartment, or even do a reality TV type thing. There's potential here.
alt right incels unironically believe this would work
Uhhh why not simply wear layers of women's underwear yourself and workout in that? Or why not simply make vagina juice yourself with a mixture of fish and milk and spray that on or smth?
Honestly, why should you get these women involved? Honest question. You can do these things yourself with a bit of experimenting. Just find some article that explains what pussy juice comprises.
that's true... i guess it's a different business model. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a great idea. I'm just all for bootstrapping companies and it sounded like unnecessary overhead.
It's a great idea -- i say you roll with it.
Now that I think about it men's wastes are probably too big for not XXXL women's underwear but still why not simply make a sweat solution and vagina juice solution and spray that on?
I've benn thinking about it until pimped out ex gfs heels
The type of people who buy are sperg psychos who cannot behave.
They are not nice guys who just pay and take the goods.
Thats great, user.
Do it professionally though.
Give them a quota to fill (say 20 a month, this will leave room for period) and deliver the panties with a home made 5 min video which has them walking around on camera in the panties and working out, having them complain about sweaty feet in boots etc, etc. and close it off with them personally sealing the panties/socks in an airtight container.
Your product will be 10 times as valuable as a questionable panty.
How can I take a minority position in your start-up, user?