>bodybuilding forum
Bodybuilding forum
Bodybuilders are probably the most insecure people in the world, even more so than fucking incels
Hello 2013
>even more so than fucking incels
They're usually one and the same.
yeah but they're funny
And they all roid lol
I have to say it's quite funny to read bodybuilding.com forums especially when these insecure freaks gang up on a person they dislike and start bullying him for "exercising wrong" etc
I would've killed myself
This is why you shouldn't bother with hookers, at best you're going to have some expensive and shallow sex and at worst you're going to completely ruin yourself.
>average forum user
holy fuck good times. nice to see others on chinz from bodybuilding forums. Although I spent most a lot more time lookism.net
desu those kind of forums are where I felt at home online when I was teenager.
I haven't been in one in a really long time but I remember that those were teh kind of things I enjoyed discussing. Those places were good because they would discuss that while being asspie as fuck. /home/ desu tbqh desu ngl srs JFL
lookism isn't wrong though
Obsessing over that stuff will only bring you down though
>that pro wrestler who got fined a hundred grand because of the racist posts he made on misc
literally any of those people could get a hottie if they spent their time enjoying themselves and flavoring their personality with their hobbies and friendships
yeah I already learned with them all I needed to learn. And I love it when they sperg on each other lmao.
I just opened the 2nd page of the forum and found this:
not the good and fun kind of shitting on others but I'm glad to see that kind of posting being still alive.
they think that broccoli and chicken will get them a gf/wife
That looks get you laid?
Gymfag here, can confirm
*picture of handsome guy gets posted*
>"mirin those calves bro.... lol DYEL twink"
>small traps
>that pec insertion
>horse face
>tfw top 2 abs aren't symmetrical
Imagine being retarded enough to unironically say this
the most attractive man in the world with an incel mentality is shit
The most attractive men in the world actually have incel mentality, they know first-hand the power their looks gives them
he is baiting ignore him
It was before her boyfriend heemed her, karma is a bitch.
based reddit
try having all asymmetrical abs, literally the reason I don't go low bodyfat
yeah those are the shitty threads
but there are some legit good discussion when you focus on the topic. Take a look at the discussion in this good thread for example:
Man I'll never understand shit like that, but if it makes them feel better then that's cool I guess.
that place is basically Jow Forums with a log-in
>getting Jow Forums is really going to get me laid!
post body
they are better off ripped
go back there subhumans