Does your cunt have positive forest growth?

Does your cunt have positive forest growth?

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Absolutely. And the population is dying out, it's getting real peaceful and serene in the countryside. I love it.

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Spics should be ashamed to on part with niggers from Brazil and Africa.

Peru and Chile are doing good though.

50% to 45%
>OMG, spics are destroying everything!!!

0.2% to 0.3%
>You see, a 50% increase!!! We're recovering our forests!!!

Does Greenland have Forests?

Yeah let's shit on those developing countries for not having trees and let's shit on them for not being developed!

The amazon rainforest is one of the most biodiverse areas of the world. France has nothing, their lack of forests doesn’t matter as much in the grand scheme

>implying 5 percentile drop isn't massive and enough to put your country in court

UAE = 20% to 50%

no. neither does iceland apart from a few modern plantations. we cut it all down 1000 years ago.


20% of 0 = 0

>France has nothing

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based >50% gang reporting in

Our rightful clay, fuck off frogs.

Shit, you’re right pls forgive me

No. You would cut off all the trees for a handful of réals.

>OMG, spics are destroying everything!!!
Brazilians are not Spics, you are niggers.

>you are niggers.
So are you.

imagine defending your shithole cutting down the amazon

lmao africa getting raped by the chineses.
Thanks for the angouma plywood niggers

Thirdies can't keep getting away with this

I wonder how many of these trees are temperature sensitive. For example, in my part of California we have a species of trees not found anywhere else. When I was a kid, these trees were widespread throught southern California, but due to the rising climate the trees have died off. Now they can only be found by the beach on a golf resort

Is your country and the EU going to fork over money to stop them from developing?

The point of cutting it down is precisely for the country to stop being a shithole. Many minerals in the ground there, all that sweet, sweet niobium, that can be used for... whatever niobium is used for.

Evil chinks deforestate our country

Give us 500 billion dollars per year, and we leave the Amazon alone.

They're just going to stand there acting holier than thou, because that's all that Euroniggers can do

>slash-and-burn agriculture

There's also tons of invaluable chemicals in the plants you are destroying forever. If you had half a brain Brasil could be #1 in pharmaceutical industry., that's much more money and that's an inexhaustible resourse, contrary to your unobtanium.

Hope so

They gotta eat, feed all those people and grow food on top of the rich biomass right? Or we could hand over taxpayer money and send resources to all those countries

>holier than thou


How does that provide them food and shelter. Materials to build? It doesn't. How are they even going to be able to do any of that if they have poor infrastructure and materials to sustain the population?

Brazil isn’t first world but they’re wealthy enough to invest in a form of agriculture that isn’t unsustainable. Giving aid to countries doesn’t work. It’s a teach a man to fish type thing. Brazil is the only country that can save themselves, and they’re actively choosing harmful policies that have global implications.

Are you retarded on purpose ? Pharmaceutical industries make billions.

Yes. Previously we had 2 trees, now we have 3.

The Amazon is not suitable for agriculture, it's the minerals underground that are of interest.

>Giving aid to countries doesn’t work
Expecting poor countries to stunt their own development AND on top of that to spend billions of dollars protecting their environment is completely absurd

actually we got a very commie law that some landowners must hold forest part in their property

So gib monies for us to set it up. We'll give you a cut of the profit if the pharmaceutical venture is successful.

What is life like in Bulgaria?

>So gib monies for us to set it up.
Where did you find the money to deforest and mine ?

You can extract minerals without much permanent damage. Obviously you have to clear jungle for the actual footprint of the mine and then infrastructure to support it, but mining shouldn't explain clearing huge swathes of the Amazon. Isn't it cattle farmers and soy growers that use most of the land out there?

From the wood and minerals we extract.

Yes, but the slash and burn technique is one of the most obvious and preventable factor in the reduction of the Amazon rainforests.

When I say aid, I’m referring physical aid such as clothing, food, etc. In the process of giving massive amounts of aid, it destroys local companies by drawing business away, especially mom and pop stores who rely on that business to live. So yes, aid is bad. Perhaps monetary compensation could be given to invest in local industry or subsidies to allow for the transition to a less primitive economic policy. Regardless, like I said, Brazil is not THAT poor. The change needs to start with the Brazilian people and their government.

No country protects its forested landscape more than Brazil

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That's not what satellites show.

it is easier to grow 50% when you have little to no

Reparation for stealing our nature resources since 1800s please. You can destroy your own forest to develop back then and we cant do the exact thing now? Bullshit to you.

He's right, we have more protected areas than any other country in the world. But the forest is just too big, it covers more than half of our territory, and there are other forests on top of that. We just want to develop, that's all, just like you did until you were able to afford going "green" (and will drop it very quickly once it stops being affordable).

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Relatively poor, but calm. Nature is nice and lush in most places where commies haven't managed to fuck it up with their heavy industry and dislocation of proletarians with their typical mentality; the people consists of mediocre individuals as a rule, but is generally melancholic and non-agressive, which is a plus in comparison to most of Eastern Europe. It's a nice place overall, if you're not underclass.

>We just want to develop
*destroy their own country*
Following the example of Haiti isn't exactly the smartest way to develop.

People didn't understand the consequences of destroying the environment in the 1800s. Times have moved on and it is possible to develop in much cleaner ways thanks to modern technology. If you want to destroy your environment because you've got a chip on your shoulder then go ahead.


What happens here?

>you destroyed your environment hundreds of years ago so why can't we do it today

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>from 300 trees to 330 trees

Haiti is a tiny country that burned their trees for coal to fuel their thermelectric plants. It's you frogs fault, you are big on nuclear power, we couldn't you build a nuclear reactor for the poor nigs in Haiti?

>couldn't you build a nuclear reactor for the poor nigs in Haiti?
Did you forget already? The nigs slaughtered all the wypipo on the island, and there's no reason for them to return to that godforsaken hellhole.

Pay up the long overdue reparation, please. And please take these chinkoids and poojeets back to UK because they came here because of you brought them in. Since youre already gone, why theyre staying here are still a mystery because when the master is already gone, so are the slaves.

>nigs in charge of nuclear power plants
>in an area which has frequent tremors, tsunamis, hurricanes and earthquakes

The 1960s (the turning point on environmental concerns) is hardly hundreds of years ago.

>a nuclear reactor in Haiti
What a fucking good idea user.

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In the 1825, France invaded Haiti and demanded them to pay reparations for the destruction and slaughters in their independence struggle. The frogs didn't really need the money, it was an act of "showing strength" and imperialism (fuck niggers). Haiti was forced to take huge loans to pay, until 1947. France owes them reparations for the reparations.

Indians shilling in the jungle, illegal Brasilian gold diggers destroying the jungle, Légion patrolling the jungle to hunt them, rocket launching, and social issues.

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Brilliant, don't you think? The nigs either get their shit together or their country goes off on a mighty boom, ending their suffering.

>Is your country and the EU going to fork over money to stop them from developing?

>Not bombing all of them back into the stone age

Do you even America?

>Niobium, formerly known as columbium

What if they stopped breeding like locusts?

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Could i find a brown qt in there? Men with blonde hair and blue eyes must be a rarity

Imagine trying to shame someone after basically sterilizing your ecosystem for centuries. Are there even real forests left in Western Europe anymore? Or animals bigger than something like a mink?

We will burn this fucking amazon forest and destroy the world

we don´t need nukes

Fuck you and fuck euros

Without a doubt. Even more if you promise to bring her back in Europe, they all want to leave.

>he bought the niobium meme
lmao bolsonaro voters are completely retarded

What's the deal with niobium? I know we have the largest supply of it, but is it even valuable?

Why is it a meme ?

This is only partially true. I'm not a treehugger but I'm aware of the scientific value of that region. The Amazon is nowhere near the risk of being "destroyed", and its geographical location favors reforestation. We can cut a few trees today and a couple decades later it's all grown back again, as happened before.

>We can cut a few trees today and a couple decades later it's all grown back again

Ok but why would they stop ? They do it since decades now and the Amazon hasn't regrow afaik.