edição do TOVRO NEGRO
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Primeiro por boa!
beautiful brazilian argie couple
>Having sex with a wh*Toid
>She calls me "Nagao"
i dont like bleck ppl
Who hurt you?
Incels in general hate black people, especially black men.
Nagao or negão? Negão means literally "big black guy".
I know I don't speak portuguese.
nobody but blacks are violent savages who dont fit into a modern civilized society
im sorry but it is what it is
Whites committed most of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind and Europe was the biggest slaughterhouse on Earth twice. Jews are taking care of you for us though.
novo, galera
I am a blackoid. I consider myself quite civilized. Never commited a crime in my life.
I doubt black people live in hungary and you probably never seen a black person IRL. Don't just blindly hate people off of shit you see online. Talk shit when you've interacted with a black person IRL.
Also don't white people commit the most crime in Hungary?
lol you really think niggers were not killing eachother for resources for hundreds of years? the bantu tribes literally massacred almost every other types of niggers and now they are slaughtering eachother while not achieving anything unlike whites
let's post here, bro
Don't waste your time with losers and go enjoy your negro privilege
He's a known incel around here.
just let these NIGGERS get their souls RICED to oblivion and post here
What are you achieving by incelposting on an anime website? People come here to have a laugh and shitpost while you're here being a bitter incel freak complaining about black people when you've never seen a black person in your life. What an achievement.
Some people have no self-awareness.
>Also don't white people commit the most crime in Hungary?
no, its brown gypsies even though they make up only like 5-10% of the population
i dont think every negro is dumb and violent but i do think that they destroy every civilization in which they are present in large numbers
será que dual bootar windows 10 e arch é uma boa idea?
a NSA pode usar o backdoor que eles tem no windows pra xeretar minha partição com arch
esses filhos da puta
never posted in a brazilian thread before desu
well and here you are complaining about racism on an anonymous imageboard like a whiny little bitch
let them end their lives by themselves, get out of this thread
Complaining about racism? Did you actually read my post or are you illiterate? lol
Posta uma brasileira
Continua postando norte americano por quê??
OP just baited you into incel bitchmode and you fell right in like clockwork
have sex
Tenha sexo.
According to Monasterio and Mortara, only 20% of brazilian (42 million people) have recent european ancestrality (1850 to 1980).
From those, only half have 100% european heritage (21 million).
And Only 17% have at least one non-iberian european surname (36 million people).
Only 37% of southern brazilians are 100% europeans (10 million) and the rest is concentrated in Sao Paulo and Espirito Santo.
I fuck love Brazil desu
>Using USA statistics
Por que você fica postando coisas dos EUA
O que os EUA tem a ver com o Brasil??
Is funny, right?
They post interacial american couples
Use american statistics
By the one drop rule law, 90% of brazilians would be considered blacks in the USA
Imagine living in a black-majority country where whites will literally disappear within a few decades and unironically believe you're winning. That's him.
niggas are the same all around the world
Nadica de nada, aliás os EUA não deveria existir
What niggas be committing crime in those eastern european countries with high crime rates ike Russia and Ukraine?
Blacks don't live there. Only poor people commit violent crime/robbery.
>black-majority country
One drop.
Fio de merda do caralho
deixem o fio do preto incel morrer, junto com ele
E aí, meus capitães, bora jogar um WOW no servidor privado da Freakz?
Esses dias eu nem tô postando direito no luso, bicho. Tô grilado achando que posso estar ficando esquizofrênico, durante a madrugada, antes de dormir, eu estou várias vozes ao mesmo tempo falando em uma frequência baixa. Não para aí, coincidentemente eu sonho com algo que vai acontecer durante o dia.
Eu tinha combinado com dois amigos de ir na surpresa do aniversário do meu irmão, na noite anterior ao dia marcado eu sonhei que estava estes dois amigos em uma cachoeira bem alta, os dois pulavam lá de cima, mas eu não conseguia e quando pulei, acordei. No fim, apareceu um imprevisto para mim e eu acabei não podendo ir no aniversário do meu irmão, os meus dois amigos foram.
Na Segunda, eu sonhei com a mulher com quem eu costumava fazer bicos, ela estava me procurando. Mais tarde eu passei na casa do amigo que ainda trabalha com ela e ele me disse que ela queria saber se eu queria trabalhar com ela no dia 08.
Espero que os sonhos de hoje sejam só sonhos, porque foi perturbador.
You're not white
Boa sorte tentando argumentar com um incel transtornado.