
Go on Janny, do your duty edition

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he's got his beady eye on you

draped in a blanket looking like an ascetic hindu monk

Hah you fucking Irish racist douche. Me black friends in London fuck all white chicks and nuttin you can do about that

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over 2 years since the last news update

Is there a fatwa regarding eating ass?

Mark live, on the bevvies



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>Irish racist douche
imagine actually typing this

quick wank sorted
now off to wash my hands and maybe eat something

Does this part happen in the books?

*nasally voice*
Does this part happen in the books?

don't be a cunt

For me it's Azula.

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I been talkin drunken gibberish
Fallin in and out of bars

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*nasally voice*
There's no need for that behaviour.

No lad. Stannis won the allegiance of several northern houses with Jon's help, and left Melisandre and his family at the wall so there won't be any burnings. At the end of the most recent book he's weathering a blizzard in a crofter's village, luring the Freys and Boltons into a trap. He's probably going to take Winterfell near the start of the next book. The internet lads reckon he'll die to the undead.

Does zijs pahrt gckhckhoeppen ijn zij boeks?

i don't agree with that in the workplace

I got big money visions,
Sammy Sosa pigeons.
What that mean?
That mean they jumping out the kitchen.

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*pollutes the water supply*
*sinks your house*
*causes earthquake*
it's FREEDOM gas
also FOY

Just had a chav and his chavette gf start on me and a colleague when we told them to fuck off when they asked for a cig hahaha

Mental how chavs always have that same raspy chav voice

Yank identified


a robot that smokes cigarettes

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a women that smokes willies

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"Here man arr kid come ere and I'll bounce ya"
Skinny little midge

a robot that coughs and sneezes

No such specimen exists

i don't remember this quest

she pretty much did

What do you think will happen? What usually happens when people without guns stand up to people with guns.

Mental how niggers always have that same ooh ooh aah aah monkey voice

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sometimes I daydream that I am Harry Styles


what were bethesda thinking


some of us don't have to daydream



just realised the gamer virgin convention is happening soon

sometimes get the urge to play Skyrim again, but then I remember it's just a glib facsimile of a proper game and forget about it

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'ello incels

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if they don't announce sekiro dlc i'll go dooping mental

>puts average girl on a pedestal coz she's on telly

hello incel

Today in history:
1669 – Citing poor eyesight, Samuel Pepys records the last event in his diary.

Wednesday 29 May 1661:
The King’s birth-day. Rose early and having made myself fine, I took coach, and (the weather and ways being foul) went to Walthamstowe; and being come there heard Mr. Radcliffe, my former school fellow at Paul’s (who is yet a mere boy), preach. He reads all, and his sermon very simple, but I looked for new matter. Back to dinner to Sir William Batten’s; and then, after a walk in the fine gardens, we went to Mrs. Browne’s, where Sir W. Pen and I were godfathers.
And there, before and after the christening, was a lady that eat wafers with her dog and did a little displease me. I expected to give the name to the child, but did not (it being called John). All being done, we went to Mrs. Shipman’s, who is a great butter-woman, and I did see there the most of milk and cream, and the cleanest that ever I saw in my life. After we had filled our bellies with cream, we took our leaves. In our way, we had great sport to try who should drive fastest, Sir W. Batten’s coach, or Sir W. Pen’s chariott, they having four, and we two horses, and we beat them. But it cost me the spoiling of my clothes and velvet coat with dirt. Being come home I to bed, and give my breeches to be dried by the fire against to-morrow.

Are you really "child free" if mentally you're a big child yourself

Think that's the last we've seen of Mr. Yaxley-Lennon

those glasses are very unbecoming of her

On their wedding night, Knight tried to strangle Kellett; she later explained it was because he fell asleep after only having intercourse three times.[2]

can't wait for Christmas

>buying molecules of jihad
>buying molecules of the steppe
The west needs to wake up

what if he changes his name again

I hope you're wearing your best clothes

heads i wank, tails i eat

samuel should blog the fuck on

Ah yes the climate "crisis"

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the dream: father 26 children I train to seize power through simultaneous covert actions across the land

wondering where it's all gone

Restarting my poker career today lads, up to $32 from $5 already

dishonest post

heard most newlyweds dont even shag on the night cos they're so drunk/knackered

sets the tone for the following decades hehe

In what way?

will be most displeased if the wife doesnt rape me at least twice

going to smash a few pints and lines with the lads tonight

'avin it large

mongoloid post

You know.

hehe guess who's awake after midnight

That's grim

Alright then I'll be the one laughing in 30 years when it turns out all the predictions were bullshit again

getting a bag myself tonight but its for the 'end

that's harry styles gf

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Oh my, little cold little cold if I might say so myself dearie dearie dearie me ohoh

blog on


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giving the proto gf a lift

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skinny ginny


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Based and yellowpilled

grim grim grim grim grim

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Still thinking about that guy who thought cure and bore rhymed.

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she's very pretty

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Pick on someone your own size rorke.

holy peng

>2 monitors and nothing on

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I would smash her arse so hard her hips would break

they do?

Not that guy but it does, kyour - bore (like boring)


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me n the lads

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She's an anorexic half zainichi Korean, she's not pretty at all