Make this Jow Forums related

Make this Jow Forums related

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argentina and brazil haha

hey look its portugal

lol the apes are pretty cute

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me in the back

Argentinian man taking a selfie with his Brazilian bros.

Beat me to it

Where did you get this pic of me?

"two babes up in the reservation, gonne be wild night tonight xoxo"

Well it was taken in Africa's largest national park. The guys taking the pictures were checking for poachers

Memes aside it's cool as fuck

It's scary.

yeah apes are dangerous to be around.

It is always weird when animals show human qualities.
And I miss Koko :(

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Attached: 2019-04-24 09.59.09.png (539x587, 345K)

Never seen a gorilla standing up like that.

>It is always weird when animals show human qualities
that's racist

We have a famous chimp in Norway, Julius. He was rejected by his mother and grew up with humans.

Niggas in Paris

Jow Forums meetup 2020