Long story short, I'm a fuck up. Many would call me a manchild, but I don't play games or do drugs, so I dunno. Fact is, I was an almost big league singer/songwriter back in the early 2010s, and life was fucking grand, but I now live with my parents at 30 years old as a divorcee with a daughter I haven't met and child support due each month, unemployed.
My only skills are in faggy acoustic guitar, and I ran a hotel for a year but couldn't hack it.
My CS is set at $340 a month, and I couldn't even live with min wage and make it.
Positive thing is I own house I'm moving into but make payments on the lot (trailer fml) at $300 per month. Other expenses are car @ $300, bills @ $200, and food, so grand total of like ~$1300+ per month to barely barely scrape by.
I have no idea what to do to live, much less be able to afford a lawyer to set up visitation with my daughter.
If this is not the place to ask for help then feel free to delet
What the fuck do I do
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What do you want to change about your current situation?
labor market is blowing up
tighten bolts or learn to swing a hammer
I want to meet my daughter and be a good dad, so stable income, steady hours, decent money, but I don't want to get into something that will fuck me down the line, plus running hotels is the peak of faggotry so I'd like something more skill based, if possible.
How do you find those jobs? I tried searching for like "construction" but there was nothing. I guess maybe I need to look into like DoT and the like.
I've only ever worked dumb minimum wage jobs and worked my way up to management before now; I have no idea how to get into anything other than service shit
Have you looked into trade school?
Yeah my credit is fucked and my wages are about to be garnished for nonpayment of student loans though. I can't pay for tuition on top of regular bills or that's the route I'd go. Biggest regret is not doing so from the beginning.
If you’re gonna work for the state there are tons of cushy as fuck office jobs out there paying $25,000. Or you can pour concrete for $25,000. Up to you really. Good trade jobs want formal training and certifications.
City worker fren.
Garbage truck driver
truck driver dude, the job wont be automated for another 10 years and they need people now. getting your CDL should be easy
Mailman also bro
$300 a month for a car is not barely getting by.
I tried but nothing came of it. I applied for a landscaper and for garbage collection and got to the interview on both but no call back.
I also applied to be a security guard at the pedo prison in my town but nothing either.
That's another thing, I live in a small town of like ~5,000 and there's not much of anything here, but I own my house, which is a trailer so hard to sell, so I have to stay, I think.
I could travel 30 miles to a city and work, like I did for the hotel, but the same thing tends to happen: no call back. I used to get every job I applied for but then when my wife left me 4 years ago I got deep into self pity and worked a string of jobs for no more than 9 months each, except for that hotel, so maybe that scares off employers, too.
Maybe I should try working for the state like suggested.
dude yeah that's a good idea actually. Nothing tying me down. I'm gonna look into the cost of CDL training.
I don't understand, why not? I need my car to get by; don't live in a city and have had to drive 30 miles to get to work in the past
Fuck man. You live in the Midwest?
Yeah panhandle of Texas
Sounds like Sturgill's life before he found turtles.
Go to church, make friends there, get involved, be humble and network with decent people who will help you, assuming you're worth helping.
Do uber on the side, webcam fapping for donations, and learn solidity on the side.
Free money
just make money user...
Drive for Uber if you can afford a car, its easy to make money on it and theres lots of tax benefits to being an independent contractor. I barely do 12 hours a week ubering and make 350-400 a week. Also post link to music larp
you'd probably be famous if you'd been born a decade earlier. literally no one has been JUST'd harder by the sjw movement than white male singer songwriters kek.
Wrong bruh. Join the red side and make badass American anthems. Stagecoach. Profit.
Or...make millenial whoop ballads
unironically this
if you don't want to degrade yourself OP, move back in w/ parents and rent your house out, or sell it and buy a duplex somewhere else.
you gotta get yourself and your shit in order, then you can focus on seeing your daughter.
>t. fellow former almost famous musician who didn't have a kid but did do a lot of dope, went back to school in-state for 4 year finance degree, now comfy remote employed.
you got this OP. listen to/read Jordan Peterson too, and get redpilled.
Good call. I should
I own the faggiest of all cars: a fortwo. One of those smart cars. Got it for like $3000 under kellybluebook from a family member, for the gas mileage it gets, but Uber won't accept anything but 4 door. Will look into solidity though.
trying to user
Someone in here would know who I am and that's the last bit of pride that I have, but here's my unfinished projects soundcloud soundcloud.com
That's like the soundtrack to the upcoming candy crush western skin
Did the record label fuck you over?
Are you the Front Porch Step guy?
Smart car in Texas? The fuck is wrong with you bro? You an Austin reject?
Am redpilled af. Wish I would have been earlier. Glad you found the light too, being a degenerate was fucking gay
And yeah would be down to live with family, but my mom charges me rent that's the same as the cost of my lot rent.
Would be awesome; have considered it
Kek, does front porch guy fit in a smart car?
Nah I just sold all the rights to my songs for quick cash during drug days so I don't get paid now. Market's all dried up and I'm old, so singing sad songs about love is cringey now.
Gas mileage, nigga. I seriously don't give a fuck what people think of me, but didn't think I'd get the level of hate I get when driving it. People assume I'm a lefty when I'm driving it, even though I unironically advocate for gassing all kikes.
>gas mileage
couldve just gotten a honda civic and kept your dignity, lmao
I could literally lift and flip over your smart car
Fuck bro. Didn't read the fine print eh? Does some popfag sing one of your songs now? That'd be some heartbreaking shit. Feel for you user
What's wrong with hotels. It's one of the few industries that promotes from within and doesn't demand an education. Your experience would be easily transferable across the world, and the pay for management isn't bad. It's stressful af at times and can have crazy hours, but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
Have you tried the JewTubes?
I don't know what he's up to. Just remember that he was sexting with a minor and getting fucked out of his career
Yeah, I know. It was $3,000 less than kellybluebook, which is why I got it. $4,000 for a car with
>And yeah one of them is on one of Selena Gomez' albums now lol
You see no Linkers! $1000eoy. Bottom sellers btfo