Why yes, when I get my neetbux tomorrow I'm immediately going to spend it on junk food and meth

>why yes, when I get my neetbux tomorrow I'm immediately going to spend it on junk food and meth

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That's based bro

I'm thinking based

mfw 1300-1350€/month neetbux to buy alcohol from estonia and latvia

Yeah, I'm thinking that's based.

do america have neetbux for their citizens?

yea that’s why everyone comes here

>1300€ a month neetbux
what did you have to do to get that much? i wish i could get that much or even neetbux at all

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be unemployed and live on my own. other that that just send in a pre-filled online form once every month.

i did meth before and it absolutely killed my appetite for 3 days. nice larp dumbdumb

is it literally that easy? what is the form about? what are the requirements in Finland for neetbux?

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>What is eating before getting high, and then having some extra food I'm the fridge for after you crash
I get it, you're literally retarded

just its just so that you testify to really being unemployed and not receiving any pay/salary from anywhere. its a list of all the workdays of the months and you gotta enter whether you worked on that day or not, but after the 1st time it stays prefilled with all your choices so its just clicking "okay" a couple times then check a box for "i promise this is correct" then "send". you need to be signed up onto the state employemnt agency but that too is equally trivial. unemployment money is like 800e~ish/month. on top of that you can get housing aid which is around 300€ for me, to get that you only need to send them a copy of your rent contract, which i sent them as pfd using an e-form. that one you only need to apply for once a year and it'll be automatically paid the 1st day of every month. on top of those you can apply for additional benefit, which is used to cover any excess living costs like electricity, gas, heating, water, any medical/perscription drug bills etc, which for me is usually around 100-300€ depending on that months expenses.

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you wouldnt crash if you spent all the money on meth though,

also are you really going to do this? im not judging, im a heroin addict, just curious fren

I spend my $700 a month NEETbux on cigarettes, diet soda, and small gifts for my fobby SEAsian gf. She works at Little Caesar's so she always gets free pizza she gives to me.

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bullshit, meth makes you lose your appetite. it's meth and more meth you larp.

What does meth feels like?

I have a Finnish citizenship.
If shit goes to hell I can always just fuck off to Finland and be a NEET.

if you got lots of shit to do, it's great. if you have nothing to do, well you're going to have a problem.

thats actually pretty neat. godspeed.

you dont understand how fucking good you have it
if i had 800€ every month to to whatever i wanted with in additon to all my utilities paid for by the state i'd be living the dream
i dont even think its possible to get neetbux here anymore

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I don't get any neetbux

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i thought all nordics had about equal neet benefits, what doing sweden? what happened. its top comfy being a neet here.

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Retard please

You get $825 from Soc or $1089 from FK (with medical documents).

Wow, Finland truly is a paradise on earth.

Here in Brazil if you're unemployed or assburgers you might as well just commit suicide, because you will be living on the streets pretty quickly.

Båda de där kräver ju att man är grovt mentalt eller fysiskt sjuk.
Alltså i princip handikappad

No, the first only requires you to search for jobs

Jo men exakt, men hela paketet som Finland pratade om här med pengar så det räcker för bostad, el, hyra, whatever så måste du ju vara sjuk.

Yes but it's not enough to live on unless you're also on government housing and food stamps

Ja, är du inte sjuk eller?

Fysiskt nej

Men försäkringskassan är ju till för folk med typ MS eller Cancer som är fysiskt sjuka

De enda som får pengar för psykisk sjukdom är kvinnor ändå

Varför skulle bara kvinnor få det?

För kvinnor kan skylla på att de är ”bipolära” eller nåt skit så hamnar de på institution i några veckor och åker sedan ut och får allt betalt

Har du någonsin hört om en man som har självmordstankar eller något som fått något mer än ”Ta en prozac och skaffa ett jobb” från vården?

Män måste vara fysiskt hindrade från att jobba för att få neetpengar

Nej, räcker med social fobi eller autism

Today my boss paid me and I'm already buying books.

Social fobi är för dåligt definerat

Om du säger det så

Jo men vad klassas som social fobi då?
Att man har problem att interagera med andra? Att man får panikångest så länge man inte är helt ensam? Att man är introvert?
Hur vet jag om jag kan klassas som att ha ”social fobi”?

thats harsh. here the state is actually responsible to try to find everyone accommodation and means to pay for it. you'd have to try really hard to become homeless in finland. even the worst druggies still live in decent apartments because of how hard the state works to ensure everyone has a roof over their heads.

ja har ingen diagnos. kunde få mer om ja hade, social fobi o autism ger dig typ 200-240€/må mer, fysiska handikapp e ännu mer, upp till 700€ish afaik. to apply for them is the same process as housing aid except for instead of rent contract you send them diagnosis.

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Maybe ill try to talk to a psychiatrist and get an actual diagnosis
Right now im living at the mercy of my parents that pay for my food

ja hoppas allt blir bra för dig

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