Hey Mexicans

Are you ready to have your economy crashed with no survivors?

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They’ll make a deal with China.


Still don't regret voting Jill Stein over Shillary tho

Aren't there more mexicans getting out of the US than getting in, nowadays

lol For what?

I'm hoping they do. It's time they stopped sucking America's teat

Yes, but Mexico encourages Central Americans to come here through their territory.

sadly that's not true, that was only the cast for a few years after the recession. Those wetbacks are back.

Either way it's about time the mexcrament was punished for enabling these central Americans to march across 2000 miles.

The numbers are whatever the current political party in power want it to be. Both parties are evil af and will gladly slit this countries throat if it means they get to fill their pockets some more

What are they supposed to do shoot the refugees? Why don't you do that if you hate illegals so much

>ruin their economy, so they end up needing to immigrate into the USA again
Why are burgers such monumental retards? Literally every policy on Latin america has gone horribly wrong

just curious what mexico sell to states besides drugs?

They should turn them away at the southern border, not let them march the entire country

No problem bro, we'll find new friends....hehehe

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Tariffs hurt our own people, you retard.

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They can't be 100% effective that is a very big border

Plus the america that is building walls is also telling them not to violate human rights and let them through

I am an immigrant myself retard. I hate this shithole and it's government. The only good thing about it is its nature. If a virus were to kill all American citizens the world would be a better place.

i don't see how he can ratify USMCA if he keeps these tariffs up. and if he can't ratify it with mexico, canada won't sign either.

Look at a map. Mexico's southern border is very tiny. There is no way that if they were actually putting forth any effort into securing that they would be failing to stop so many people streaming in. We even offer to give them military equipment to help and they still fail.

>new friends
We were never your friend, we should have annexed more of your worthless country

Vehicles, electrical machinery, machinery, agricultural products, mineral fuels, and optical/medical instruments

mexico can't even keep some of their territory under their control. ridiculous to think they could hold off the entire southern border on their own when cartels make money off smuggling and shit too.

The whole narcos thing was a Cia front to fund middle east jihadis and the whe thing backfired.

Half of undocumented immigrants are from Asia (primarily China and India). Why don't we ever see Trump and his retarded followers ever complain about Asians?

thog no care

death to amerikkka

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Arrest them and send them back.

and they are not "refugees". Stop enabling them.

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They don't bring drug and gang violence with them.

>ruin their economy
it's already shit.

The Canadian already said Mexico is doing its best

What happened to that migrant convoy?

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Neither do Mexicans and Central Americans.

Excuse me, but these are migrants that travel across multiple nations to get the best "deal" if they were seeking "asylum" they would want to get it from Mexico and not travel weeks to make it to the USA.

In fact Mexico offered them asylum many times and they refused it. If they truly were anything other than migrants they would have accepted it.

recently they passed canada to become our largest trading partner. crapload of goods and services

>Vehicles, electrical machinery, machinery
Made by other companies that could relocate to other nations. Those aren't Mexican firms, they are other companies outsourcing to mexico.

Mexico is a failed state

Not when they give them busses to bus them to the US border. The Canadian is wrong.

Lel. I’d love to see you shitskin subhumans enslaved by chinks

Mexico is the motherland.

American understanding of politics.

They are called illegal.
>Half of undocumented immigrants are from Asia (primarily China and India).
This is also wrong. There are between 15-30 million illegals in the US and almost all are from south of the border.

You're trying to use the "overstayed visa" excuse. The people who overstay their visa are promptly dealt with and don't stay here for years.

Yes they do.

You cant do that.

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Not doing so is a violation of some un convention

donnie can do whatever he wants

You are massively understating the problem. There are around 100-150 million illegals in the Southwest. This problem needs to be dealt with.

Learn economics, retards.


Chinese are saints in comparation
Less destruction than the US, that's for sure

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>Learn economics,
You first

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Neoclassical economics is the exact opposite of Marxism, retard.

>i'll fuck your economy if Centracas doesn't stop coming here

Honestly, i think Trump wants the world to distance themselves from America at this point.
And if it happens he'll autistically screech on how the world dislikes him.

The Mexicans choose to not stop them.

They'll find a way in one war or another.

kek this is the mutt tourist on singapore

We actually do have a naval base here

why would we stop them?
Please be serious.

what? serious?

Burger carriers come here often

I heard a story about how some guard accidentally raised a barrier too early at some checkpoint near the naval base and it sent some US admirals car flying

Because assisting invaders in getting to your neighbor's territory justifies retaliation by said neighbors against you.

They are not invaders. They are not armed or declared a war.
We don't enforce them to go to your country.

Not really. A lot of the American branded stuff built in Mexico is American branded but uses a fuck load of Mexican components. A lot of VW/Ram/GM/Ford vehicles built in Mexico use Mexican designed parts. Metalsa is Mexican and designs the frames and engine blocks for most trucks sold by the American big three brands for example. It's kind of like how a lot of consumer electronics built in China now use Chinese designed and built components and a minority of imported parts while the overall item is American designed. If anything Mexico will just nationalize the US factories if stuff truly get's bad and start making their own weird versions of these products on the same lines. They did that with the oil industry decades ago.

>There are around 100-150 million illegals in the Southwest.

There aren't even 150 million Mexicans on earth.

You have very high hopes for the mexican border patrol, specially when they are "patrolling" a jungle between taking bribes from smugglers and pledging allegiance to whatever cartel promises them a quick death.

>Still believing in protectionism and tariffs

This retard is literally just crashing our own economy.

Tariffs were good enough for George Washington.

>but if we make a deal I think you don't spy on us
seriously bro, abo tier

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Hell fucking yeah, MAGA TRUMP 2020

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They're foreigners who aren't supposed to be here that are trying to force their way in anyway. They're invaders and if you aren't shooting them on sight, then you're complicit.

Why don't you shoot them on sight

Because of libtards

can't you see? he's complicit in letting the invaders in, he just hasn't killed himself yet.

Ignore the libtards and open fire

Do it, I want to see America gun down afew thousand refugees

Trump is bringing about the global recession early.
Pretty based if you ask me.

he's making a edgy joke about the southwest belonging to mexico despite losing it in a war they started.

Trump is literally a communist.

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Actually the Mexican government was shuttling them on buses for a while so yes you're enabling it.