>The Chad American Navy Seal vs The Virgin Chinese Infantryman


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Lmao what the fuck are those silly chinks doing


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>Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.
>Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
>Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
>Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
>Americans: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States' Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that YOU change your course 15 degrees north, that's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.
>Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Holy shit Indonesia. Balls of steel.

>chinks think an American passtime is a sign of "soldier morale"

Attached: cuckservative brilliant tweet.jpg (602x600, 64K)

Based boomer

>us military
Literally just a bunch of retarded mulatto and mutt'd mongoloid teenagers. Not a threat. Still, even pic related was probably more badass than Crenshaw, who cried publicly from his one eye after some faggot comedian made a lame joke about it.

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Ahhh yes posting urban legends.


yeah, instead of the lighthouse it was an freighter.

>Literally just a bunch of retarded mulatto and mutt'd mongoloid teenagers. Not a threat.
>not a threat

Are you fucking retarded?

>putting a Game of Thrones quote on your tombstone

Well, at least he didn't die for Israel:
>The Navy said Sunday night that a Watertown man was one of the seven sailors who died in a collision between the American destroyer USS Fitzgerald and an enormous container ship off Japan on Saturday.
>Sonar Technician 3rd Class Ngoc "Tan" Truong Huynh, 25, of the Oakville section of Watertown was identified as one of the victims. He turned 25 the day of the collision.

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>xbox controller
>got quote
big yikes from beyond the grave

It's afraid.

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>dying for Israel
>collide with a Japanese ship
/Poltards/ and their conspiracy theories are getting more unhinged by the day, I swear to God.

Afraid of what?

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Goddam that’s cringy

Heh, I remember doing shit like that back in Scouts, Good Times.
Thanks for the Nostalgia trip, Op.

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China's navy is old garbage, Zhang. Despite having superior numbers, we would still crush them.

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We would erase the Chinese race from the Earth and you know it Brandon Chen

This is like killing him twice.

Why would a battle group tell a civilian the make up of said group with EMCOM restrictions?

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Isn't the us army composed of stupid 19 years old teenagers tricked by recruiters?


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Let's do this.

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And yours isn't? ;)

Idk I'm talking about the US army

Lmaooo why the fuck does that hatch open inwards

What the fuck are chinks doing

Surprised much? Most Chinese servicement are barely-literate peasants from the inland provinces who cannot into operating complex machinery.


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That guy taking his hands away from the hatch and taking the whole force of it opening to the face @ 13 seconds holy kek

>that faggot Navy Lt

Since we are all Austistic manchildren here I will put it in terms your ABC 'John Zhang' r/asianmasculinity pea brain can Understand.

“Muh China has more total ships” is like saying China has more total Pokemon cards so their collection is definitely better than the US. What if I told you China had 50 common cards only but the US had 45 cards and that 40 included the entire 1st edition base set holos. Whose is better?

Don’t kid yourself. The US Navy has an even mill on PLAN in pure tonnage.

11 carriers to 1 (and she is not even combat ready).

Vastly superior subs and nuclear triad.

A lot of PLANs vessels are simply shitkicking tugboats they fly their flag from.

The US could be worried about increasing Chinese influence in other ways but Naval supremacy is not one of them kek.

>muh tonnage

Attached: china naval tonnage.jpg (640x853, 97K)

Surprised much? Most Chinese servicemen are barely-literate peasants from the inland provinces who cannot into operating complex machinery.

Sounds like Cnut and the tide.

Please hurry up and fucking do it. I promise I won't hate America any more if you start killing chink devils.

Back in the 90s, they threatened Taiwan and all it took was a quick visit from the 7th Fleet to convince them otherwise.


Equipment doesn't matter so much as the will of the people to fight. The American military has many expensive toys, but the best equipment in the world won't avail against the strength of the Chinese people united behind the party's leadership.

That is launch tonnage for 2018 you fucking retard. I have no doubt China has launched more tonnage in 2018.

This is not the navy's total tonnage you absolute moron.

*11 CARRIERS TO FUCKING 1.* Do you pretend it is not a fact?

Don't be this stupid and duplicitous. It just weakens your case.

America’s army always seemed overrated, it’s just blacks and spics who sit around occupying places and if not that dying for oil or drugs or Israel.


I would like to enlist in the US army if there is a Swedish-American regiment and then we can die for Israel

Why does Japan continue to deny their criminal acts against China in WWII? Why does Abe continue to visit the Yasukuni Shrine?

I am American, not Japanese.

>the strength of the Chinese people united behind the party's leadership.
Did someone say "fund Uygher and Nepalese separatism"?

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even if this were real it would be the Canadians' fault for not identifying themself as a lighthouse, which is literally their only job.

theres no doubt the Chinese army is dogshit, its mostly conscripts for a start.

stevemre literally got food poisoning from their most common mre. They put no quality into anything over there, feeding their soldiers rotten pork for fuck sake

Fuck off, Zhang.

Reminder that they started issuing soldiers with modern underwear (as opposed to a loincloth) in 2016.

You're wrong about the conscript part though, they're all volunteers. They have conscription on paper, but have never actively enforced it. Having said that, the recruits they get are all from the poorest, shittiest provinces.

Imagine being a 2nd gen Vietnamese immigrant and dying because the literal cunts running the ship were giving each other the silent treatment over a petty disagreement and then on your grave your family puts a fucking GoT quote.

Lmfao for real, do these people not understand that a wave that size hitting you is like getting hit by a vehicle? Building inward-opening hatches is just asking for trouble in the future.

It's just a bunch of run of the mill destroyers and support vessels.
US still has far far more capital ships

twitter is such cringe.


I don't respect anyone in the us military. I always cringe during those "we support our troops" things I have to go to. I don't support the troops.

>Still, even pic related was probably more badass than Crenshaw, who cried publicly from his one eye after some faggot comedian made a lame joke about it.
I don't think he cried.

>I don't respect anyone in the us military. I always cringe during those "we support our troops" things I have to go to. I don't support the troops.
>i have to do
Turn off your proxy

maybe you lack the reading comprehension because you're a poor lefty that went to public schools but since i grew up and went to a private school I can comprehend that the leaf was saying at least Gook Cuc Nig didn't die for Israel like most of the us troops do when they are fighting "wars".

our tarrifs are already fucking their economy so hard that they had the largest drop in gdp than they have had for decades.

fuck you for your service baby killer.

Apparently their solution to this consists of rioting and smashing up KFCs.

Yeah Chinese people aren't used to being poor. They will riot before the US cares.

That's part of it, but Xi's aggressive foreign policy is also really ruining China's relations with their neighbors and making them less motivated to do business.

China is multiple steps ahead of the US.

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And running ancient anti-US propaganda movies from the 50s.

The average Chinaman is also 5 feet tall with the frame and profile of a teenage girl, it doesn’t help with the intimidation factor.

Yeah, even though I want China to take away power from the US, they are nowhere near the political, economic or military power the US has to actually compete. It's less and less everyday, but most countries would still side with the US. For reference, see the Venezuela crisis support by country map in wikipedia.

muh criminal acts

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Found it. As you can see, Mexico is "on the fence".

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>what is a stock
>what is a flow

Nope, they expected Trump to back away from challenging them and doing anything concrete about their duplicity on negotiations. Godemperor Pooh is scrambling at this point.

Close enough to reality considering you managed to crash a warship into a freighter

he couldn't go to the shrine after 2013

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There is nothing more disgusting than an "Australian" who licks American boots.
You're a treasonous crypto-yank.

What is China's Israel?

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Now imagine the same guy, but in a nam jungle runing his bayonette through the bombing and the smoke

its a shit propaganda(western propagadna) pic which was debunked like 20 years ago

Holy Hella Based