Who actually still owns this. You think a test net is still worth about 1% of a bitcoin...
the only thing they have going on is, the LTC foundation has 10% of a german bank and theoretically will be a fiat to crypto bridge
Is it even worth switching into tether right now?
kys faggot
Eat a dick cockmuncher
The Euro is so vulnerable that an LTC backing may be announced in 2 years. Italy and Germany would be deciding factors re their debt and spending.
It's the most active network used for actual transactions behind BTC, much more active than Btrash.
That is not dead which was copy/pasted by slanty eyes,
And with Golden Bull Runs even shitcoin chikun shall rise.
It will never overtake bitcoin. Lightning makes it obsolete like fiat backed gold did to silver. Why oh why would you still hold on to this unless you got it for a few pennies.
LTC is my coin of choice to move from normie base to another exchange. Shit's fast man.
Look up liquid by blockstream.
You'll be able to send btc between exchanges and services in a minute with fees that are below xrp's, and it's offchain, so it helps bitcoin's scalability.
Then there's still schnorr, signature aggregation, mast and the LN which will work much better with schnorr.
What does litecoin offer again?
who wants my litecoin when I kill myself?
I just bought more LTC than i ever thought possible 8 months ago.
I will buy alcohol with and drugs with it
Gimme gimme
how many do you have?
don't kys op there's still time to make it we have years of oportunities in front of us
If you're holding alts, then just buy tezos.
This. I'm constantly using it to transfer money to coinbase to sell into fiat
Try XRP for 4 secs transfers
I want to kill myself.
This isn’t a life for me anymore. I lost everything in LTC
Not sold on normiebase
make sure you do it in front of Charlie