
Where is the next support if it breaks 5800?

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It wont break. This is the bottom


Nice cope

around 3,5k probably

42-4400 was a hitch point last year...looks probable

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3k, zoom out faggot lower highs and lower lows, 5800 isn't a support at all

Why do people sell? If every just stopped selling, wouldn't the price start rising? Or do people with loads of BTC leverage on and sell it short? I'm just wondering why people are still selling now....I presume we are at a bottom. We've hit 6k and 5800 and the push back was reasonably why sell below 6? Makes no sense to me and my brainlet brain.

the price is not moving because of poorfags the price is moving because of whale manipulation

Gamblers are going to gamble. You really think these are normies selling....

the big boys are still selling small increments over time. they cant unload all at once without crashing. the hodl meme is to get suckers to keep the price afloat as much as possible.

Yes yes (((Sell))) all your coins at the bottom.

Wall Street is pumping out negative news to try to keep price down while they accumulate.

BTC pumped from 1k to 20k on news of futures last year. We peaked right when the futures market came online.

Getting an ETF is 10x bigger news than futures. We're about 6 months out. Everyone knows it. 100k+ is coming within the year on a new pump.

If you are an old hat you are familiar with who the manipulators are behind the scenes, and they are all singing the same tunes on the same beat right now, desperately trying to accumulate cheap.

Dumb permabull. Alts are all already way down; even ETH is making lower lows. Market sentiment is shattered. BTC is dropping to 5k in thr short to mid term at minimum, probably 4k. Long term target is triple digits. You huys will be forced to accept crypto’s death eventually, whether you want to or not.

If 5800 fails then its all over. Get ready for the suicide drop.


honestly if you aren't adding to your stack now, you will be investing into noose rope this time next year.



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500 usd

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it didnt bounce that hard off the 6000 support. im worried

CBOE ETF will be denied, brainlet, just like every other attempt. This crash is far from over and the previous ATH will, unironically, never be reattained.

Have no fear. If we go to 1k I will buy 10 bitcoins and hodl until 10k where I will sell 1. The market is very illiquid we know not all 17 million are actually in circulation.

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If you seriously think the CBOE ETF will be denied, you are mentally retarded.

I really hope the ETF is denied for a few years.

We'll hit 100k sooner but $1M later if we get the ETF.