Got raided yesterday at 6:30am for cashing out 500,000 in Bitcoin back in December 2017...

Got raided yesterday at 6:30am for cashing out 500,000 in Bitcoin back in December 2017, arrested for money laundering and possession of criminal property in the UK, ama faggots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why didn't you pay taxes, fag.

I did, I owed £110,000 in taxes and filed for them and owed it in 2019 January.

Why were you charged? Taxes, drugs?

Which exchange did you use? Did you put it in your bank account? Show a little proof so we can know for sure what not to do.

There has to be more to this, what aren’t you telling us?


governments have no intentions of letting you fucking poor faggots climb through the ranks, it's all a meme

you all live in a caste-based system dressed up in bells and whistles to keep the normies from rising up

This is why you should always tidy your room.

Just money laundering and possession of criminal property, no other charges, my Bitcoins that were cashed out were legit bought back in 2012/13 and they have seized some of my crypto too, seized my PC, all my USB and hard drives and raided my whole house and took me to the police station, got given a solictor and interviewed, they asked where I found out about Bitcoin and said Jow Forums and a poker site and they had this new guy who was in training and he got to ask me some questions and he said "so what's your usernames on these forums and do you use a tripcode on Jow Forums?" lol.

I bet you didn't have a valid Bitcoin loicence m8

If you cashed out in December, wouldn't you have had to pay taxes in April?

did you tell him tripcodes are for faggots?

no, tax year goes from april - april then you owe the taxes in the following January, I cashed out in 2017 and very early 2018, april went by then now I owed it in January 2019.

i hope you said you were reluctant kneepad girl

>do you use a tripcode on Jow Forums?

This sounds ridiculous on behalf of the cops. What do your lawyers say your chances are

If your coins were legit and you have a tax plan, why are you being charged with anything? Did you sell OTC to anyone suspicious?

kill as many british people as you can and then yourself. Your country is a disgusting sore

DO NOT use the duty solicitor. He's likely a Freemason same as the chief inspector, he's pretending to be on your side but he really wants to make sure they throw the book at you right so it sticks. Get yourself a good brief and say "no comment" until you do

>the free world

oh. fake and gay.

I had a free solicitor I was released same day at like 4pm, solicitor said shit went well and was released not on bail but was "under investigation" i.e we have fuck all on you but lol we're holding your shit anyway. they searched my house and I believe they thought I was a drug dealer and were kind of disapointed they didn't find anything like that so I am guessing they jumped to conclusions, it's my bank who started this shit by freezing it.

I have no reason to say no comment, I didn't do anything wrong, it was better to explain it to them from point a to point b (when I bought to cashing out)

Are you black?

huwhite, 100% pure European brah.

Money laundering? Didn't you report your taxes user?

So asset forfeiture is what they are doing? Did they say that it is your funds or yourself that is under investigation? Name your bank OP, they should be shamed.

Ok cool. Obviously a shit situation. Stay strong user, keep fighting

I did, they literally kidnapped me and stole my money on the bases of "we don't know if you've committed a crime to obtain this money but lol we're seizing your assets and raided your house"

I'm honestly concerned about what they find on my hard drives in terms of porn collection, I have A+ shemale material on there.


I did file for taxes, they even seized my tax report that I had on my desk lol

So you don't have any money now?
They seized all 500k of your bitcoin?


If you've got the money and the nerves, take legal action. Fucking bullshit, especially since they're holding your stuff too. Also demand compensation for loss of income as you can't trade your buttcoin anymore without your computer.

And if the bank didn't notify you about freezing your assets or they were especially cunts, tell them they're soon going to be kikes on a stick and that you're changing banks

Start reaching out to embassies or a UN consolate for help. There is no reason you should be robbed blind like that. Many lawyers out there would love to help set a precedent.

My sister works as a defence brief- believe me, no comment is your best weapon. You're not going to talk your way out of anything by giving them a story. The only thing you can do is talk your way into a charge, or nothing. It's a no-win situation for you. The interview is because they think you committed a crime and they want you to confirm it, or at least give them something they can later prove to be false. Right now they are going through your story with a fine tooth comb trying to find any little thing. If you remembered the wrong year, or got something in the wrong order, and they find out then they will decide your story is all a lie and either charge you, or bring you back for another interview where they will try and get you to talk your way into a charge all over again, except this time they will Ben saying "why did you lie to us earlier? Why are you lyin now? What else are you hiding?"

Britbong anons, listen up. Say "no comment" and get yourself a good defence solicitor. Every time.

Hahahaha. As long as they over 18 you'll be right. The system has unfortunately come after you, but even if shit goes down just fight don't let em offer you gay deals, get lawyered up and mentally prepare for war.

I had just over 500,000 in a Natwest account, £45,000 in a ISA in an investment account and money I earn from my job in a separate bank account.

They froze the savings account with 500k, still have access to the current account with Natwest and didn't freeze my assets in my investment account with the 45k nor the account where I get paid.

I had to rush out the next day to buy a £300 laptop which I am using now, they left all my monitor and keyboard and even left a new phone I had just gotten as an upgrade so put the new micro-sim they sent me in and activated it so I got my old number back.

Yes, I am also a Jow Forums tard and have lots of unironic pictures of Hitler and also posted alot of Gore threads on /gif/ so have cartel exectuions and shit, you know that saying "before I die, delete my browser history" then yeah, that isn't going to be fun.

lol you're definitely not getting it back, that's fucked up

UK is probably the only country in the West I'd rather not live in than the United States, or maybe Canada too.

the warrant has a "freeze your account up to 1 year" on it so unless they find something which they won't I will get it back.

Btw you could be in trouble if you bought in 2013 and didn't declare/pay tax on the difference between purchase price and the market price at the end of each tax year you held them for. I expect instead of "no comment" you told them that you bought the bitcones in 2013, right? Right now they are probably checking your tax returns for previous years. I can't stress this enough- no comment is the best way to protect yourself when the state comes for you. Next thing is a good lawyer. Get one and ffs stop talking to the cops

holy shit, i'm deleting mine now

kek, reminds me of pic related

I'm not sure for UK, but having all the shit you listed on my computer wouldn't have any repercussions for me. You're fine though, if taxes are reported and paid on the 500k, you won't have any trouble. The banks are obligated to report any one-time income above 15k € to the tax authorities where I live, so you were probably also a red flag for some money laundering or terrorist activity. Once they determine you're clean, you will get your stuff back.

Use that to get some additional amenities from the bank and also demand compensation for loss of income during the time. Fuck them for a change.

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another user (?) had this happen to him, he was in the uk too.
It seems they really hate people getting serious money from crypto in the uk.

I have a solictor, he's a free one but since I demanded a solictor with knowledge of finance/bitcoin otherwise it'll be unfair for me I got one with lots of experience in finance etc with a good firm, they do private and public defence on the side so should be good, I aint on bail just waiting for them to investigate and go though my porn collection. it was interesting man, never been arrested before and got a knock on the door at 6:30 with 7 cops at the door "mr user, we have a warrant" I nearly shit myself desu, searched my whole house, fridge, freezer, washing machine, mattress, they were 100% thinking I was a drug dealer but obv wasn't, asked to get dressed, needed to piss and guy watched me pee, cuffed then they let me be uncuffed as they didn't think I was gonna be a problem, put in a car and driven to the police station, prints, photo (which I smiled for lol) chucked in a cell for 3 hours until my solictor arrived and the people were ready for interview, put in a cell again while they did my release paper work, drunk shitty coffee and kind of slept then released with just my wallet not knowing how the fuck to get home so walked for an hour and a half in the rain as I had no phone to call a cab and couldn't find a cash machine either and just needed to clear my head anyway and it rained like fuck, most depressing and interesting day i have ever had,

that was me, the user who had his account froze, I was speaking to bank of america user about his account frozen, I ended up getting raided and arrested.

You don't just have to pay tax when you cash out- if any years he held dem bitcones they appreciated in value and he didn't declare and pay tax on the difference, then he's fucked. HMRC treats crypto as foreign currency, not property. So unless he's been declaring and paying tax since 2013, Houston we have a problem. And, sorry to sound like a broken record, the only way they will know this is because HE TOLD THEM by being a good citizen and answering all the questions they asked like "when did you buy dem bitcones Mister Criminal user?"

When they decide you committed a crime, they are not your friends and you will not get off by making friends and talking.


>that pic
Top kek

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Oh, fake and gay.

lol i'll take a pic of my paper work one second.

what the fuck? why did OP get jailed? he paid taxes.
are we all fucked even if we pay our good goy tax?

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is it possible your bitcoins were on silkroad or something before? how did you buy them?

what country are you in user. this sounds fucking nuts. do you regret cashing out everything. would holding 100k in crypto on the side help you in this situation for a lawyer.

HMRC website literally says its not a foreign currency

>cashing out
got what you deserve mate

the search warrant they gave me when I asked for the warrant when they were at my door, thankfully they didn't kick my door down.

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If what you say is true, they would have found either way. Doesn't he have to show proof of when he got it? And if he does, this gets the ball rolling no matter if he tells them willingly or not.

I had a similar experience with the bank in 2013, but from a different angle. Sold bitcoins on localbitcoins as 16yo and one day I get a fuzzy call from a bank during class that funds sent to my account were counterfeit and they need to be sent back. That was NOT a good day.

maybe thats how they get us....fuuuuuck

bought them P2P, shit wasn't easy to buy back in 2012, mtgox was shit, bitstamp was shit, direct trades were the only way and hope to god you wernt scammed.

>bought them P2P
well that explains it... I bet they have a list of withdrawal addresses from silkroad and your bitcoins are from there.

wtf, I'm in the UK too using halifax and santander. Would it be fine if I widthdraw £2500 at once? They wouldn't mind right?

you'll be fine, 2500 is fuck all friendo.

>be invested in untraceable cryptocurrency
>withdraw it and put it in your native country bank account
>think that wouldn't raise suspicions in the bank
>think that you shouldn't hire an accountant

C'mon fella, you put up a red flag and waved it around WANTING the police to fuck you up the arse. If you want to be Mr. Citizen, you go full throttle and hire an accountant to advise you. If you want to avoid taxes, you research the fuck out of it and withdraw your bitcoin holdings into cash or deposit it into a far away bank account.

I remember reading about people cashing out their bitcoins via the ATMs that were popping up. Untraceable. You might pay a premium to do so, and you'd have to do it a lot if you had a large amount of bitcoin, and you've got the problem of having a large amount of physical cash, but it's still better than getting fucked in the arse by her majesty.

Get yourself a good lawyer. Government will want to take all that money.

Get yourself a good lawyer and you might be able to get your money back.

If you did nothing wrong even more of a reason to say no comment you idiot, when will people realise this. Innocent people are locked up everyday just because they thought "oh I have done nothing wrong so thier is no reason not to talk", this is totally wrong. If the investors think you are guilty but are not and you talk they could make you look guilty, that is what they are trained to do

Check what the threshold for deposits and when do banks need to report it to AML related authorities. I think there's an annual threshold to be met, but I can't be sure.

why do you believe a larp with no evidence would be a better question

i'd sue the fuck out of them

see my proof faggot.

> Paying taxes on something that never even converted to cash in the first place

God I fucking hate this government and world. This is fucking retarded.

there's no date though mate

If any government was going to come after a crypto NEET it would be the UK or USSA government. They probably think you are tax scamming because you held since 2013 and never reported it to this tax year. Should have went with "no comment" all the way. I'd actually pay 5-10k for a decent lawyer. Then counter-sue after they find nothing. Your situation sucks OP, you cashed out at the perfect time and still paying for it. Just stay strong and SILENT.

OP, for once /biz is giving you GOOD advice. It's not the time to cuck out a be a good goy. Do what they tell you. SHUT THE FUCK UP. Let your lawyer talk for you.

This thread has really scared me, OP did you do something dumb to get caught?

I have literally no idea about how to pay taxes I don't even remember when I bought my bitcoin's let alone the trades, I'm a NEET who just fucks and almost have enough to retire for life.

Can someone advice me on how to proceed? I was hoping to invest a very large sum into an ETF but now I'm really scared that will draw their attention.

This happens often. Keep good records.

"General rules of foreign exchange and loan relationships apply" pic related though I wouldn't be surprised if they're so acephalous they have conflicting advice elsewhere on the website desu

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When you cash out to a bank account and the amount is large enough, the bank is obliged to report it to the authorities in case of money laundering or financing terrorist activities. Depending on your cunt check whether you have to pay any taxes on trades or inbetween years you hold your shit and if yes, hire an accountant and a lawyer and determine best course of action. You're pretty much off the hook if your tax laws are lax and you only have to report taxes when you cash out.

Don't fuck with the taxman mate, get your paperwork straight and pay what you owe, even if it's unfair. Better than living in fear everyday when the cops are gonna bust down your door

As a bong, how do i find an accountant who knows about bitcoin and crypto? I called the accountant my boomer parents use and they knew basically nothing about it

get an account on Do your own taxes by pulling excel files from exchanges. Then submit a tax report to your accountant. The end.

Oh shit, I remember this user from several weeks ago. He's telling the truth most likely. I remember he made a thread saying he was in the UK and that his account was frozen so he asked how fucked he was. I asked which bank because I'm also in the UK and he answered NatWest. I told him to get ready to get enquired but by the bank, never imagined it would be by the cops. So that's what happened to him, worse than expected.
The thread was this one:
I was the first poster


Only have to pay capital gains tax of 18% or 28% if they are a high rate earner/tax payer in day to day job anything over £11.3k profit in cryptos in the UK

that's property tax hombre, when I met my accountant it was 10 percent up to 35k if you earnt under 35k obv so if you earned 20k a year, 15k of your gains were taxed at 10 percent, rest was 20 percent flat rate and the 11.3k capital gains allowence is free.

So if bought in 2013 and cashed out now would only be a one time thing anons i believe

Hire a good lawyer OP.

You’re situation is perilous. They could seize your money.

And the stuff they took from your house; you’ll be lucky to EVER get that back

pls user. i want my HQ porn collection back. had some shit I would never be able to find again.

How did you sell your coins? P2P or an exchange?

>cashing out
>not waiting until bitcoin becomes the global currency

ya dun goofed

OP, are you really the one from this thread:

Why didn't you try to cash out abroad? You would have paid less taxes in countries like Denmark and Netherlands, like way less than 20%. In Netherlands is like 1.3%, they speak perfect English and it's close to home

exchange, provided full AML/KYC info to the exchange, my accountant they said it was fine


oi m8 ya got a loicense for them coins

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You better not have gore or violent porn on there. It’s actually illegal. If it’s even borederline you’re not getting the hdd back lol. The crypto you had on there is gone.

Seriously, how old are you? If you’ve never tasted the British criminal justice system before you’re going to get a big taste now.

>this is how libertarians are made.

Another roger ver in the making right here

And violent means: face fuck, fisting. Dp. Choking, gagging, anime loli

You can be damn sure they’re noting everything down.

Get a lawyer and you might get some of your money back after doing a 2 stretch

Good lands. And this is why we left Europe. We already knew it was an oppressive shithole. We turned into one, but yours got exponentially worse.

lolicon in the uk is 3 years of prison + being put on the sex offenders list.

that's your problem
europe is all paki and somalian now

it's just shemale porn, post-op and non-op, unless getting your dick cut off is classed as violent then no bueno, no hentai degeneracy either.

lol police chief is going to give you the option of leaving your bitcoin with them or they report on your shemale porn collection in the paper

Damn, bro. The system is fucking rigged.

Can't even get rich. Like what's the point of doing anything?