States that were 95% white are now in the 40% in just 50 years

>States that were 95% white are now in the 40% in just 50 years


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I'm pretty sure they consider mexicans white too so its even worse

muttistan is a lost cause, you're looking at a second brazil in the making in realtime

and that is fine. white people are really boring.

surprised that the south is that high

If wh*Tes are the master race, why is West Virginia such a poverty-stricken hellhole?

mexicans are considered to be white


I don’t care about the so called “browning” of America. Race doesn’t matter, ideology does.

you're all coming down the drain with us. laugh it up

Where do you think all the slaves were

texas is based c:<
who cares if there are less white people, it will always be based until the earth disappears

Nonwhites have a lower average IQ and lower inhibition

Indeed. And it's all the US to blame.

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america is white. you just have to accept it already


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I'm ok with it as long as I get a latina gf.

West Virginia is a shithole though.

it's even worse with the younger generation

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t. mad for not belonging to west virginia

what's wrong with having more hispanics? huh?

I saw a group of black people for the first time in months. The snow melting really changes things.

>Hispanic and not black rising

Ai dios mio...

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california has never had very many blacks, most of them are in LA. And are being forced out by all the hispanics right now

Attached: Share of California Enrollment vs Population.png (847x738, 53K)


do one for portugal

Portugal doesn't keep statistics like France. Which is honestly, worse. People think we have almost no foreigners but they're 10% or close to that. Non-Euros, I mean.

Example: my parents are English and I was born here, and I was counted as Portuguese in the statistics.

>I'm pretty sure they consider mexicans white too so its even worse

A Study showed that 15% of people who declare themselves being euro-americans have african and native american ancestrality

Am I the only person who thinks this is due to white passing latinos calling themselves "Hispanic" for possible affirmative action gibs and/or diversity points?

ah, i didnt know. thanks for the information

it's a trend that has been happening for about 30 or 40 years now

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As I said, it's even worse.

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I read one that said only 2-4% "white" americans have some african or native dna across the US

it's about western virginia

You don't live in California, do you?

tfw live in a county with only 3% black
life is good brothers

Why are """""Europeans""""" so OBSESSED with race?

It could have been Asians instead but you deny us H1-B visas but lay out the red carpet for Latinos.

America actively protects its professional classes while shitting all over its native working class. I do wonder how many doctors and lawyers would support immigration if it meant more competition for them.

It's funny how patriotic rightards get when it's been government policy to import as many poopskins as possible for decades regardless of party.

A race war is coming whether you like it or not. We will not allow our homelands destroyed and our future generations brown and speaking spanish. America is a white anglo saxon protestant land.

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blame politicians and the south border being an open door for too long

Fuck off, Ben, no one likes the Third World invaders residing in the southwest of the country.

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my dream has been to end up in vermont or new hampshire and now it seems even better

you're not white

im sure you dont, because you are a 1% bootlicker

its not that fun

in one sense it is beneficial, especially in california. Because California is near to the coast, it mostly grows export crops such as nuts and fruits, which need to be picked by hand (and having third world labor is nice for this, since they are paid way under minimum wage).

But they you look at the actual statistics, and only like 2% of the hispanics are involved in agriculture labor. At this point they have settled into LA, SD, Orange County and everything around, and have basically completely taken over. They run the bureaucracy and send the flow of benefits their own direction. So while whites are heavily taxed, hispanics are heavily subsidized. There's this whole beaurocracy that exists to funnel these people benefits (in most cases benefits they are not legally entitled to) and look the other way. They are getting free health care, free school, subsidized housing, subsidized car payments even. While largely paying no taxes

Growing up you would always see hispanic mothers walking around during working hours with their 5 kids (speaking spanish of course). Meanwhile my middle class parents had to work full time just to afford 2 kids. It's infuriating this is allowed

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Lmao there must be schools that look straight out of Latin America in California and Texas.

All that's missing is crumbling infrastructure and overhead cables in the street.

the map might include white hispanics, but doesnt count all the hispanics as white

Many hispanics are white though.

Literally nothing in this post is true.

beneficial for the higher ups, there is a study that showed that bringing in such immigrants helps the economy but lowers the income of the average citizen

I know if I were them I'd feel insulted to be called a cracker

>They run the bureaucracy and send the flow of benefits their own direction.

Wait you though ethnic groups would integrate with that strong a culture and in those numbers? Of they would seize the system for their own. The US is going to be states struggling with ethnic conflict, but that doesn't mean just violence, it will be legal conflict too. How many Hispanic cops you think let illegals do stuff? How many Hispanic lawyers give no shits about defending a white dude properly but will go the extra mile for an Hispanic? How many doctors will go to the extreme to help an hispanic sick person, sacrificing their time to a black or white one?

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user this happens in every country where a group is big enough to seize important positions/positions of influence.

Maybe make it illegal for companies to use illegal workforce and actually apply the laws?

Bullshit. America is only around 10% white. Those numbers are lies.

they have the voting majority at this point, I don't see how it's possible. Whites are only like 35% of the state, and even less among the youth (only like 1/4 young people in california is "white")

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Don't think those states have ever been majority white

>muh second civil war

Mostly Latino high school

Mostly Asian high school

This makes me depressed

Shows Europe too will become nonwhite without a fight

I said legal struggle, or power struggles. Violence only comes if things get really bad. But there will be conflict, yes.
It's literally a thing that has happened many times in History.

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Are you implying your country, that allows legal euthanasia, isn't already filled with depressed, suicidal people?

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Ranking in at number 10 doesnt make it better, and you have 1/30th our population.

>Whites encouraged to be inclusive
>Minorities encouraged to be ethnocentric
This is a sectarian powderkeg waiting to happen.

>and you have 1/30th our population
you know I have to share your flag, when you say retarded things it reflects badly on me

what's wrong with less white people and more latinamerican people?
jesus you act like babies

Its white genocide

Is that even a question...? Everybody and their mothers knows why from Britain to Japan.

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Nice bait


No one is mad for not being from there. It's literally full of trashy low class rednecks who shoot up heroin and shit. States like Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana are much better.

>every single latin american country is a horrible shithole
not true :(
>every single white country is super advanced, wealthy, pushing the boundary of science
also not true :l

yeah obviously people want to immigrate to the USA and Canada cause they are way better countries
also, so what if Mexico has very few Nobel prices, does that matter?
i'm serious
idk why is it a bad thing at all? ._.

Last bastion of white civilization

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They used to list white Hispanics as white until Hispanics got butthurt.

This. And they can't dance. xD

Race is all about phenotypes. If they look white they are white. Race is only superficially linked with genetics

Holy shit cringe. Race is genetic.

"white" is not a race user

Why is Iceland so depressed?

Probably because they're isolated from the rest of Europe in the cold arctic. Also weird because Iceland is usually rated as one of the happiest countries in the world.


That map is about non-Hispanic white. If they counted, states like New Mexico and Texas would be considered white.

I'm not saying it isn't. I'm saying that as a biological term, race is meaningless because it is not defined (as in decribed, not as in determined) by genetic terms but rather visual features and cultural paterns.
Saying abos and blacks are more related than abos and indians is like saying goldfish and shark are more related than goldfish and humans. It may *look* like that, but It's not true

race has no genetic basis its a social construction

ay jesus

So you're saying that Spaniards and Poles are genetically the same?


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Hawaii was never white to begin with, though. It was and should be native land, and after it got taken over by the US we got flooded by Asian immigrants. Almost all white people you see here are probably on vacation.

t. Hawaiian

WTF I knew the US was fucked. I didn't know Germany was like that.

Isn’t Korea’s suicide rate extremely high

I really like poor ranchero mexican types but when too many move to one place it starts to become trash. A lot of my city looks like Tijuana.

this, and MS/AL/LA should have black majorities. even the american SW should be hispanic.