How the fuck are you not buying at these prices, 1000 of these and you will make it in 3years

How the fuck are you not buying at these prices, 1000 of these and you will make it in 3years

Attached: 1518901852337.png (1000x1000, 159K)

So you predict $1000 + price in 3 years?

Attached: __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_terimayo__3489a79ba2b072b6d4b337b147ee38d6.jpg (925x1480, 172K)


To be honest in three years it should be in the mid to high 3 digits, if not $1000

This will never get back to its ath

Have almost 4k of them, so guess we make it then.

Attached: __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_leon_mikiri_hassha__5ebf6b67af77098b18ef6502e15cd144.png (560x896, 263K)

because everybody bought at ATH and doesn't have any money left, you fucking idiot.

Well sucks for them.

This will return to ath by December, give it time faggot

You did the same, you fucking idiot. EVERYBODY didNO exceptions.

but it clearly looks like we in for another 2 year bear market

Not me, didn't buy any at ath, but didn't sell either, brought most of mine at $1.40, only down 50%

Why would you say that, there is no reason for us to be in such a bear market.

NO exceptions, you filthy liar. Every single person on biz bought at ATH. NO exceptions. There are NO positive abouts a coin losing 90% of its value. There is no "opportunity to buy". Everybody already bought and has no money left.

>How are you not buying into useless internet tokens?
Even Koreans dislike ICON. Most of the supposed partnerships are probably just email correspondence.

Still got a long way to go before it's at ICO. Gooked.

Nice fud.

Believe what you want faggot, i only brought when it first was added to binance and then again when it reached my buy in price. Also many of alts lost 90% of the ath value in this onslaughter

Sold 3k icx for like 35k chainlink. Idk think I’m done with the Chinese.

I bought on first day on Binance. I wanted to drop like $5K in the other day but desu I don't have any confidence in this team anymore. Plus it just keeps dropping. I wish I sold before main net release. Can't believe I broke the rule - always sell the news. My greed always fucks me up.

korean u mongoloide :P

ICX is hilarious its like NEO on steroids
>muh ethereum of korea
>nobody uses it for anything
>no koreans buy it or support it, only western retards
you got gooked guys. move on. its just sad now.

where is that user with the ICXded min meme? He's late. Is he taking a nap?

I held for so long waiting to sell at the token swap. Fucking hell man. Got it shortly after Binance added and still lost a ton.

Same. The worst was I wanted to sell it all for EOS when it was $6. But it was Feb/March and they were supposed to swap in March and April ICO. So I held through all of that only to get delayed and watched EOS fucking moonshot.

Hate this piece of shit coin.

it can go much lower