Markets been tough, first ones on me

What will it be, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Milk please and thank you :(

Hot lead, in my temple

you got any absinthe nigga?

I'll take an Angry Orchard

a walking stick thanks barkeep

Attached: 1497674782005.jpg (1126x1091, 743K)

hair of the dog that bit me

Strong Zero, please

Attached: 1451259342956.jpg (700x821, 108K)

Irish car bomb

just a monster for me

Attached: deer-headlights_2-3.jpg (612x612, 32K)

I'll get that bottle of JUST over there

Strongest single malt you have

milk truck has arrived, fren. enjoy.

Attached: 7iKPBTJ.jpg (1331x2000, 621K)

easy there user.

got you my guy, dont you go fuckin shit up in here tho, ya hear

Attached: AbsintheWithoutLeaveThumb.jpg (941x941, 62K)

ahhhh, if for a few minutes I can just forget about my failures in crypto and suckle those elegant mammary glands

cheers brother

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Yum salty armenian tiddies.

whats her name

keeping it simple eh, here you are lad

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I was having a shitty day, but now it's 100% better because of memesters like you. Shine on, you crazy diamonds.

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no roasties allowed, get out

I want your strongest meme. This is Jow Forums, the current most powerful board on Jow Forums, so I know you've got some really powerful memes.

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2 liters of milk with off brand chocolate protein powder and a fork to poke at the chunky floaty bits with
okay this is a good meme

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we got colt 45, enjoy "gangsta"

Attached: 100490_Colt-45-40oz-1183L-8-Vol_4.jpg (640x640, 21K)

when she'd leave you user? no worries champ you'll find someone new

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Ehhh, I'm past caring, already down a couple grand. I'll have a Guiness.


cheers user

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lets start you slow. this one comes with a special topping, if you know what im saying. how are those gains coming along user?

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you'll make it back user. life carries many opportunities.

Attached: ci-guinness-draught-39d3541fc7e182f2.jpg (400x600, 9K)

I could go for a scotch on the rocks about now.

Thank yuo bro. Here is what I am drinking now. Big mug, lots of cheap protein. Scrumptious.
>how are those gains coming along user?
OK I got mogged by 2 of my friends so I started eating 5000+ calories a day and overdosing on costco protein drinks. The drinks say to only have one a day, well I have 6. Now I am becoming bigger and more powerful than even them. Everyone on Jow Forums told me I would die of organ failure but I am fine after roughly a month.

Basically I have gained 45 lbs in just over a month.

Attached: milkie (2).jpg (3120x4160, 1.5M)

with silver laptop

Attached: deer-headlights_laptop_light.jpg (612x612, 32K)

blank canvas

Attached: deer-headlights_no_shit_stock.jpg (612x612, 32K)

Double dose of JUST please bartender

I'll take some cold water.
I had my first market stress dream and I'm getting worried things won't go up any higher.


your dick, my mouth