what are some dialects/dialect of a language that you speak that are completely unintelligible to you and you think should be classified as separate languages
for me its its Punjabi spoken in western Punjab at the khyber pakhtunkhwa Punjab border cause while Punjabi has a lot of variety you can still tell when someone is speaking Punjabi but the types of Punjabi they speak near khyber pakhtunkhwa sounds like a completely different language
It's hard to describe what it sounds like but it seems like a mix of Persian and Russian sounding
What are some dialects/dialect of a language that you speak that are completely unintelligible to you and you think...
I can’t understand Delhi people’s Hindi. I barely can understand Hindi in the first place but these cunts speak too fast
None, all Spanish dialects are intelligible to each other. Some are weird, like the Chilean, some others are annoying, like the Puerto Rican, but we can all communicate very well.
Aside from some meme dialects only half-dead boomers speak, creoles, and the usual 13% shenanigans, most English accents are pretty intelligible
What about Ugandan or Liberian English?
Chileans sound the best imo
Not the same user, but African English sounds very intelligible, at least to my ears
Patois. It is basically impossible for all non-Jamaican Americans to understand.
If you listen to enough dancehall you start understanding it
I speak the Julfa dialect and it gets less comprehensible the farther west the languages are.
especially the antioch dialect
Mudslime black sea Hemshins also sounds like gibberish. they were heavily isolated since 790 AD. and converted to islam in the 1600s due to high taxation.
strange thing is that the neighbor Agulis dialect has changed to be a completely different language because it was isolated for so long and had random changes happen to the language structure.
so pakistan is basically half poo and half iranian, united together with islam?
Its a lot more complicated then that
What, Pakistan is more than 50% Punjabi?
You didn't know?
>Romanian dialects
No such thing.
>annoying, like the Puerto Rican
Absolutamente basado.
44% Punjabi,20%Pashtun,15% Sindhi,8%Saraiki,7%Muhajirs,3% Balochi and the remaining 3% are very small yet distinct ethnic groups
also 1/10 of the population lives in once city (Karachi )
No, wtf. So, who are the ones being the autists? If most of them are Punjabi, and the rest Indian Mujahirs?
Who are the ones screaming for Balochi independence?
If you spoke Scots to an English speaker they couldn't understand, no Scottish person would understand it either.
Muhajirs are 7-9% population coming from various region from across India but mostly from UP
they have an unequal amount of wealth and political power then compared to other people's of Pakistan as most of the Indian Muslim migrants were already middle class and educated and thus had a head start
Balochi are 3% of the population of Pakistan total but 55% of the population of Balochistan
only an extreme minority want independence
Northern konkani is a Muslim and Marathi language.
Central konkani is a Christian language.
Southern konkani is a hindu language.
All are mutually unintelligible.
Majha reporting in here
Punjab should’ve never been divided.
I would gladly exchange all the Muhajirs in Pakistan with Punjabi's in India regardless of religion
>from UP
REEEEEEEEE now I hate the UP in Pakistan also
Red pill me about the Ahmadis. Why aren’t they Muslim?
Stadin slangi and rauman giäl. They're unintelligible to anyone who are not from those regions
Also, is Jinnah considered Muhajir? His family is from Gujarat, and his dad was Baniya convert
Muhajir are classified as Urdu speakers and Jinnha didn't speak urdu
plus we have a small minority of Gujratis here
>half poo and half iranian
Holy fuck what a disgusting duo no wonder the country is in the shitter
How does your average paki nationalist feel about having to speak Hindustani Urdu as the official language instead of Persian or some Pashtun language ? Do you have a group like Tamil people trying to change Urdu into Persian or something ?
We should have had a Punjab republic
El risitas
Learning Spanish ruined Risitas memes for me ngl pretty sad
Why aren't you posting in /sag/?
So if a person is descended from Muslims that migrated from East Punjab to West Punjab during the Partition, are they and their family considered Punjabi or Muhajir?
Their is no such thing as a Pakistani nationalist
their are religious fundamentalists and small ethnic nationalist parties for the various people's of Pakistan but no Pakistani nationalist
a lot of people do not like Urdu mainly because the Urdu system favored muhajirs and people have this stereotype that muhajirs are all rich and look their noses down on everyone else
their classified as Punjabi's same with Kashmiri's,
If I want to no northern German/non Bavarian can understand me
Austria is just independent Bavaria.
Do they teach Punjabi with Gurmukhi script in Pakistani Punjab?
>don’t like Urdu
>but still use Urdu
c word
not at all we use a slightly edited Perso-Arabic Script but with different preoccupations
yeah you are right my grandfather was a landlord in bangladesh he came here during the separation
Nice thread, following
Croatian coastal dialects, Slovenian, Macedonian and Torlakian can some times be tricky.
Many people point to Cypriot Greek as being very different but that's not really true, it'd take about 30 minutes for the average m*inlander to understand what's being said pretty well. I'd say Lesbian and Cretan are much more difficult island dialects. As far as dialects spoken within the mainland, Pontic is pretty close to the Koine Greek of the New Testament while Tsakonika, which Maniates claim originated from the dialect of the Spartans, is by far the hardest but it's unfortunately dying out as there are less than 1k speakers.
try this
I thought Slovenian and Macedonian were considered separate languages? Isn't Macedonian more like Bulgarian than Serbo-Croatian?
South Africa has the worst english accent, prove me wrong
This post made by Joisey accent gang.
In Ukrainian, it's gvara. But I'm not sure whether it's considered to be a dialect of polish or ukrainian. Hutsul dialects can also be hard to understand.
Rusyn on the other hand is memed as a separate language, but it really is just a dialect of Ukrainian. It's extremely similar to it in phonology but some vocab
may be somewhat different
dialect map, sunndal dialect sounds like it would be tricky to understand
Based Gricko