What is it like dating a mena girl?

What is it like dating a mena girl?

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I've heard that Egyptian girls have mutilated pussies.

Just get a white girl my dude


>jUsT gEt A wHiTe GiRl
Shut the fuck
I don't want a white girl

Lots of avoiding her brothers.

t.dated beurettes

scared of getting cucked?

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Just be BLACK

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The ones that grow up abroad or in cities to educated parents don't.
You'll never have to meet an Egyptian girl who has undergone FGM unless Egypt goes through a refugee crisis of its own

I will never have a /mena/ gf cause I am not BLACK

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you can probably find similar results with a latina
they're also more accessible to you

This. Unless you are BLACK don't even dream of getting a /mena/ gf not gonna happen

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unironically looks Italian

They are obsessed with high culture and expensive things. The dumb ones just want Gucci, Mercedes, going to Paris and eating at restaurants every week. The smarter ones want trips to Berlin, museums and all sorts of artsy stuff.
In the end be prepared to constantly getting dragged around and having to pay for it too


>I'm black
>STILL no mena gf
What the fuck, user??

>Berlin, museums and all sorts of artsy stuff
That doesn't sound too bad. I know these kind of girls only want to do that stuff because they think it's what will make them high class, without actually genuinely being into museums and art. But still, even if it's fake interest, it's better than some white bimbo that just wants to party or post on facebook about cats or harry potter.

Literally go to any muslim country and you will be treated as a God

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>brown eyes
not sure i could date an NPC

Im not religious though
I don't wanna pray

>fetishizing a race
permavirgin material

/mena/ girls don't care they just want to have fun with someone who isn't a brown smelly manlet


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But most Egyptians live in cities along the Nile. According to UNICEF 91% of girls get mutilated in Egypt.

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By cities I meant Cairo and Alexandria (and cities along the Suez canal maybe).
Everywhere else is classic Africa.

watch out that incel finna post dead palestinian children

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I like how the flags on this board help us to identify the one guy who posts all that BBC cuck shit all over this site

>I shower daily
There's hope

were it so easy

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>they just want to have fun with someone who isn't a brown smelly manlet
Basically. That's why most mena girls I know irk at the thought of greek men since yall look tourkish but even smellier and hairier. They don't even consider you human. Besides greek men have butthurt syndrome which makes them appear like betas since they constantly whine about hating it when they are getting mistaken for turks irl. And the small asian cock size really didn't help for you.

He lives with his mother at 35 likely, since it is apparent from his posts alone he is dependent on her she has likely seen the black men pornography he has on his computer when she was changing his diapers.

they cold and never do any first move in anything. they keep on testing you for everything for rest of your life.

I had sex with one and she had a normal pussy but she spoke English and was fairly well educated

>they keep on testing you for everything for rest of your life.
that's women of all races my friend.
>cold and never do any first move in anything.
she won't be after you give her a good dicking
too bad most arab men are limp dicked porn addicts who can't get hard.

>too bad most arab men are limp dicked porn addicts who can't get hard.
literally /ourguys/

I just want to cuddle with a mena girl.

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mena short for Armenian?

MENA = Middle East and North Africa

>ywn have a mena girl sucking your dick with her big lips

Feels bad man.

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well i give 40 min of good dicks with every imaginable position but it is not the thing. it is their culture

Their culture? Because they don't make first moves? I'm surprised you can even dick anyone with that mentality. You think dutch women make first moves? Or any other women? In which culture? Just bend over for the BBC already you 40 year old boomer.

Yää iläähi...

>live in MENA
>still can't get a gf

what do? college is an extremely dry sausage fest and i have no social life outside of it...

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Immigrate to europe (marry for passport) or usa (greencard)

I had a relationship with a Lebanese woman when I was 19, and she was 17 at the time. Muslim (orthodox), wealthy family, very intelligent, polite, great personality and interests. I'm not Muslim myself but her parents were okay with our relationship so long there was no sex involved, and they were quite straightforward about that, as well as the fact that her family is from a different culture and shared very strict values, which I fully understood. I'm a polite nerd so I believe that contributed to their approval. We stayed together for almost two years, never had a bad disagreement (and we talked about politics and religion quite often), we used to study together a lot, been to the mosque together a few times with her family (something that I personally did not enjoy), went jogging together, biking, eating at coffee shops at night, spent a lot of time together in bookstores reading medicine and psychology (we thoroughly enjoyed that, I think we visited almost every major bookstore in São Paulo), and I did not like the holidays, especially Eid al-Adha mainly because of the meaning behind it rather than the actual celebrations. It was an overall very pleasant relationship, definitely very emotionally and intellectually fulfilling, especially considering how young we were at the time.

Her religion was the only reason why we broke up, and her being an extremely family-oriented person I did not know how we would be able to carry on with that relationship without me converting and being fully immersed in a Muslim lifestyle, and I have a very strict set of values about religion that reject all Abrahamic views on faith, which was something she wasn't fully aware of until somewhat late in our relationship. I would not advise anyone to engage in a serious relationship with a Muslim person unless you're absolutely willing to convert and follow their religious doctrines. We have not talked to each other again after our relationship ended.

i don't want a white gf i want a mena girl like me..
also im not selling my dignity for a passport.

Btw if you were white all the mena kafira would get wet haram parts just from reading this post.
Europe/USA I said nigguh. You will sooner or later anyways like everyone else.

إشقط من الكنيسة

Oh and if you didn't know many just marry a white woman for a year and divorce or they find a second generation woman, much easier these days.

أنا أجنوستك متناك من عيلة مسلمة

Even better

Mediterraneans look like that

not in sex moron i mean in everything other than that. they just feel soulless..


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Agree, wtf is bad with wanting to visit museums? Also you don't have to pay for both

Try nafris. Asians as a whole are soulless and hivemind.

Or wait no maybe try one of the many cheap ukrainian dogs that supposedly proposed to you online LOL.

Visit Italy.

If you're lucky you could also score an agnostic Copt qt.
Probably though going into the church is the hard part unless you have Coptic bros

Based cuck.

>inviting foreign men to un-inbreed your gene pool and take care of your nation's children, for no expense on your part
unironically you're the cuck

صعب نيك. مستحيل أهلها أو أهلي يرضوا, ده لو هي رضيت أساسا عشان اسمي مسلم.
أنا بالنسبة ليا أحسن حاجة لو صاحبت واحدة يا اما مسلمة "منفتحة" أو مش مسلمة بس من عيلة مسلمة.
أهم حاجة متكونش غبية أو واحدة من النسويات المعرصين بتوع وسط ناو عشان أعرف أقنعها بأفكاري.

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>learn bootleg spanish
No thanks.

>Also you don't have to pay for both
You're always expected to pay for both, assuming she comes from a traditional family. They never carry a penny on them when they're with you and you always have to pay for everything. You have to get used to hearing "I want some X, let's get some X" and being prepared to warm up your wallet. In my case she was quite frugal so I was never pushed into paying for anything too expensive, but I did enjoy taking her to some fancy places from time to time.

It's something I really enjoyed about that relationship btw. Paying for everything made me feel more responsible and in charge of the relationship, it felt more meaningful from a masculine standpoint. I don't know if you can relate to that behavior considering you're European and things tend to be more "progressive" there.

Spanish is Latin, americacentric bitch

you are funny
is that how you get girls? by being a clown?

And Italian is a disgusting language that no one should learn
Just speak spanish

spanish is the nigga of the west world wtf.. speak finnish for the cute girls

>Paying for everything made me feel more responsible

I won't allow you to disrespect my Italian brothers
shut up goatfucker

Love you

haha spanish shit you mad?


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whores. just like any other f*male on earth. i honestly would rather rape than dating any. cuz they cancerous.

Average MENA girl:
>tall, slender, sun-kissed walking Aphrodite with hips that sway like a nursery cot, smoldering eyes that glow gold in the sun and coal-black hair that flows down her neck like an onyx waterfall
>highly cultured, can speak 3-4 languages on average and whose interests include philosophy, military history, self-betterment and making the world a nicer place to live in for future generations
>can somehow cook a filling and nutritious meal using nothing but a paperclip and half a bottle of tomato ketchup
>sensual and loving with a high libido. Will literally pin you to the floor and force you to have sex with her
>main goal in life is to have 2-3 children and a part-time job in a small village taking care of the gardens at a community centre, spending holidays cycling around Europe and being a woman that her husband would be proud to call his wife

Average English girl:
>obese, unintelligent hog with bad breath and an aversion to showers, eyes are watery and blue from too much television, ass has literally begun to fuse with the sofa seat
>extent of cultural knowledge is who Darren's dad was on Jezza last night, thinks learning how to use the microwave puts her above other girls
>can just about speak english, but may require help reading and writing
>no sexual drive due to obesity, womb is barren and will never provide you with children
>main goal in life is to own a flat screen TV

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We had this idea of male provider-female receiver back in the day. Being the only provider meant you had a high-paying job and could afford paying for everything without bitching about it, which signals responsibility. Isn't Tunisia a Muslim country?

you really are a retard

>doesn't deny it
Fuck off Farzouk, how about you put a few more female refugees the next time you send a boat over

Absolutely based

و اي هيه افكارك؟

cringe. cope harder. incel

this gave me a boner

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Thanks. And no I attract victims with my looks and awkwardness mostly. Had I not have them I'd just rape probably.

I wouldn't have to cope if you gave me a MENA gf, you kofte-eating kalb


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