Rolled or rhotic R?

Rolled or rhotic R?

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>occitania is a me...

what's /w the gray areas?

That’s just Provence, not all of Occitania

No idea.


Rhotic R, though pretty much pronounced everywhere

Jews do rhotic and the english one

The red part in between Provence and Aquitaine ain't Provence

for me, it's grey

Not Latin alphabet.

Guttural R is considered a speech defect in Spain, some Spaniards are incapable of producing proper rolled and trilled R's and they come up with alternative sounds to make for it.

Don't have an R

Privet, Rossiya... pretty sure Russian has some R sound.

It's rolled here.

Exactly the same goes for Russia. We call that "kartavost'". And a person who does that is called "kartaviy".

They haven't invented language yet, they just use screeches and grunts to communicate.

the french R sounds like you're gagging on some fish bone

I use both :^)

But denmark isn't gray?

We are red too!

I only say ""R"" when I have a penis in my mouth.


what do they mean by
>most commonly heard in "high"

>Rhotic R
R is always rhotic. the defintion of rhotic is "the R phoneme".

It's like asking "Fricative or Lateral L?"

>be Brazilian
>use all these R

how can the world even compete?

yeah, he probably was thinking about the approximate

I guess the ymean the standardised version by that. In french its the parisian version i think

>be Austrian

Based Österreich

I think he actually meant Alveolar vs Uvular

I thought rhotic R was standard in Dutch

based english

Attached: anglo pepe.png (1144x1168, 526K)

the israeli "R" is completely disgusting and a shame for the entire middle east, it's the remnant of the german ashkenazi yddish language

northern germany traditionally rolls their r's