No culture

No culture

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>dominican republic criticizing something

>dominican republic criticizing something

>Mini-Mexico criticizing his dad
They grow up so fast

>Italiano education


Dominican Republic is the Germany of the Caribbean

That being said, they're in the Caribbean
So lol

You don't get to critize him either

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No culture
> t.rapebaby arab-germanic

cowboys are Mexican, the far west is basically Mexican culture

Lol no, its spanish-american heritage, 'el zorro' was a spanish man

Are you seriously this ignorant?
Mexico was formed first as a country in the american continent
Remove the proxy pig

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Cowboys are spanish

and then Mexican, maybe you may not like it but Mexico isn't only amerindian

Spain never had these hats in Spain

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cowboys are subhumans

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it derivated from the cordovés hat from Andalucia, Spain

>No culture
Ok, zambo.

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Cowboys are spanish retard

>island macaco

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and Mexican


Cowboys are both Spanish and Mexican. First introduced by Spanish colonizers who became Mexican citizens after the war of independence and who, along with mestizo workers, further developed the culture. Anglo settlers who were not used to rearing cattle later adopted the customs.
t. Southwest Pro

basado y rojopastillado

based hicock45 aka El Boomero....

Wow it's almost like Mexican culture is descended from the mixture of Spanish culture
with the native ones, who could have thought?

More like mestizo culture

what does no culture even mean, everyone has a culture.

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t. CHI

It’s true though. Even that hat is culture.

Shart in Mart is also culture?

fuck off nigger dominican, your only contribution to culture is monchis y alexandra's bachata songs

Spain isn't white

I had to look your country up to even know who you are

>dominican culture

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