How prevalent is the modern left in your country?

How prevalent is the modern left in your country?

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We already have this thread

I'm going to throw up

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Neoliberalism was a CIA project used to destroy pro-Worker Socialism and replace it with Anti-Worker, Pro-Homo SJWism of the "New Left"

>Frankfurt School
>New Left

>members of the Frankfurt School--Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer--worked for the CIA

>Worked on domestic and foreign propaganda agency

>received a Rockefeller Foundation grant (Rockefeller Foundation was closely tied to CIA) to deconstruct Soviet Marxism

>CIA funded french eurocoms

>CIA/Rockefeller pursue to destroy pro-Worker Socialism and replace it with anti-Worker imposter """Socialism"""

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Very modern for a country where half the population has no access to sewage collection

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Interesting. I guess it's easy to trick americans since the only thing they know about socialism are boogeyman stories from the 50s.

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What this board calls ''cultural marxism'' the rest of the world calls ''American degeneracy''. For real. Under socialism we were socially conservative. Now everybody does recreational drugs and girls are sluts. None of this under actual marxism. Explain yourselves.

We became (((democracies))). Now we're all in the same cesspool as the burgers.

the USSR called it "Meлкoбypжyaзнaя мopaль".

Original communist don't exist anymore so never, and they were nothing like this CIA-engineered New Left we have now

Cultural Marxism is a fake term
USSR called it capitalist degeneracy. Cultural marxism is a term these despicable sniveling rat-faced weasels throw around to fool and hoodwink their right-winged peons to distract them from the wool that's been pulled over their eyes.

Zizek pointed out that what are commonly referred to as cultural Marxists could actually be called cultural Capitalism. I realize that this is amusingly accurate.

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The CIA created cultural """marxism""" to neuter and castrate the economic threat of socialism and replace it with their creation of a profitable empire-building race-mixing agenda

Before CIA subversion, leftism focused on the struggles of the White male worker.

CIA spread Cultural """Marxism""" to shift the focus away from critical economic issues and towards self-destructive and profitable degenerate shit like straight vs homo, normal vs tranny, white vs non-white, men vs women, sexual orientation, gender identity blah blah

The CIA's New left is identity politics, globalism and environmentalism. They don't give a shit about workers' rights or public welfare unless it can be construed as minorities vs. straight white males.

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Lets not pretend that the right doesnt have even uglier goblins.

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A lot of these are Americans, OP. How fucked is Australia?

Not overly. The party the left have been creaming over for 3 years got BTFO just a week ago

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Based ASStralian keeping the balance making a thread of the left as well

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realtalk: your slags are worse than fags who luv wearing colostomy bags

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Imagine having all these images saved on your hard drive

Rent fucking free

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Same goes with the megapedes ones

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We don't elect our trash as politicians. The modern right elects their trash.

We're not going to spend our lives obsessing about hating feminists and trans people no matter how much you whine.

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So many plump wh*te males
Getting mad over trans rights...

Shame since the upperclass controlling the lower class is still unironically a problem

American workers voted for Reagan and W and betrayed the left. The left has no choice but to adopt an anti-racist, anti-bigotry, environmental, big-city platform. White American workers always have the option to vote for Medicare for all and debt-free higher education. They don't want it.

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>the only non subhuman looking is the asain
This nigga could be a model and hes wasting his time with antifa losers

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>White American workers always have the option to vote for Medicare for all and debt-free higher education

"Yes sir, and how will you be paying for that?"

"I don't know."

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>16 average silly people calling themselves antifa

This is upsetting how?

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How do you plan on paying for the deficit Trump's tax breaks caused?

Nice whataboutism, but also....who give a shit?

>"Yes sir, and how will you be paying for that?"
by taxing corporations that pay $1 in taxes per year, of course

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Exactly. The left shouldn't have to worry about paying for stuff either. Free healthcare and education, spit on anyone who objects.

Average in sweden maybe

Anyone that is not circled in Red looks unhinged

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>Pollution and overuse of resources is bad

Haha. Those silly leftists.

Maybe if you think a normal, hinged person has to look like a VN moeblob desuuu.