
sunday morning edition

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When have I ever admitted to being an addict? I've done some psychedelics a couple of times 2 years ago in college, but that's about it.

watching e3 of kinobyl while eatin dins

No idea what to do with my life

first for fpbp

Succ on your GF feet say confuscious

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Caught ourselves a PEDOPHILE

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Sonoma needs serious psychiatric help. Jesus Christ...

>my point is war was not caused by the fall of rome retard
i said the dark ages were caused by it.
considering driving up to Vancouver and necking this bitch like in this pic. Foids ruin everything. I'm the guy pointing

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nth for sneed

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forget to turn off the name?

You are now diagnosed as a pedophile.

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Dumb post

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Based on your physical profile!

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>considering driving up to Vancouver
Nice, wanna join my militia? We can vent our anger on the government instead
>inb4 RCMP

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>someone's doing the raping
yup, get used to it sugartits

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>joining a female led militia
big yikes, even if you are a tomboy

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the cringy namefag is still here

There are two regular Taiwan flags, neither of which are natives
The namefag is an English teacher and FK is a sexpat

No I don't want to join your antifa chapter thank you very much, I do want your head on a pike - come to think of it please uninstall the plugin i don't want your flags to serve as a reminder of a foid on this once great site WHORE

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im drunk and crave pizza but also drunk to the point i might be black out or even passed out by the the time pizza gets here

Both are sexpats

You are a very seriously disturbed individual and I feel like reporting you to the authorities to prevent you from going on an incel rampage

You can trust us. We're the good guys.

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i'm a Marxist

Ok but what do you think of based STALINISM


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We live in a society.

Why are latin americans happier than other nations with similar GDP per capita? They are happier than asians, europeans, and africans of the same GDP per capita and I want to know what is the secret to their happiness

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We also both love 2 succ

You know they say Taiwan is the island of butterflies but I think it's actually the island of succable toes

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yeah but what do you think of based ACCELERATIONSIM??

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>I don't agree with you. Therefore you're insane.


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But I have spare Mosins and I don't know what to do with them
Actually we're a libertarian militia, fuck commies

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I hate all of you

not a tankie




>Actually we're a lolertarian militia
>fuck commies
Are you related by chance to a nasty disgusting alt-right youtuber foid from Genesee County, michigan by chance?

Acceleration is a dumb concept

What are they looking for, Helter Skelter?
There's no endgame.

Are you implying sonoma isn't insane? He is raving about killing people and expressing deep anger at people just for being women. How is that not insane?

at least the cringy brit appears to be gone

Love you too my nigger

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All I wanted was a Pepsi

It's just bants

not even paying attention to what's being said. if you're actually following it, I have some news for you, you're retarded.

>But I have spare Mosins and I don't know what to do with them
wat where'd you get them? looks fun to shoot

and while I like the idea of lolbertarianism in theory, I don't think it would ever work in practice on a large scale

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The other recorded foid who used the plugin. She was a dumb larpy alt-righter. She lived in Flint and doesn't post anymore so I assume some nigger killed her, I still need to find that guy so i can send him a thank you card

i just hate it when women like you tarnish this site. This is supposed to be a place for disenfranchised unfortunate men to feel comfort amongst each other

This. The only good accelerationism is for AI

I’m a woman too
What are you going to do about it?

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The unhappy countries either are excommunist with the fucked up post commie collapse crisis that brings, are heavily modernized and therefore have lost traditional family/social patterns, and the poorer countries are much more unstable than even some of those latin american countries.
Short answer: culture.
maybe not even traditional, but socially open, somewhat stable families, less age/gender/etc conflicts, upbeat social lifestyles.

Thoughts on Roko's Basilisk?

>This is supposed to be a place for disenfranchised unfortunate men to feel comfort amongst each other
this is an anime site. Nothing more, nothing less.

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wait for you to get your arranged marriage so your husband doesn't allow you to use the computer anymore

awful thread so far
gonna watch galaxy express 999

>pick up a second hand outdoor guinea pig cage today.
>put the boys in it for a few hours.
>Dad asks me if I'm bringing in the boys inside to there inside cage. Tell him no, they can stay outside.
>Get told they can't stay outside and that I'm lazy.
Jesus Christ just keep me in the hospital.

No you are just retarded, there is an endgame
social collapse, LOL. fuck civilization

No, they're clearly looking for an acceleration to the clown world we're living in where white power structures will collapse, (at least in the USA).

Brown people can't run anything as evidenced by how all their countries are shitholes, so at that point, the gambit is that the white population would rise up, band together and kick out all the shitskins and worthless fucks, and start anew.

It's fairly debatable if that would truly be the outcome, or if we'd just be handing the world to china on a silver platter, but who knows?

>this is an anime site
there, that's your anime board. now stay there.

I got them from my dad, he liked collecting them. Also bought one myself because I love them too.
>This is supposed to be a place for disenfranchised unfortunate men to feel comfort amongst each other
Why do you think I'm here?

Jow Forums was founded on anime.

This site means more to some people.

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>This is supposed to be a place for disenfranchised unfortunate men to feel comfort amongst each other
>Why do you think I'm here?
so you ARE a male?


And the USA was founded as a white Anglo-Saxon nation, and now it is a brown irreligious nation. Things change.

are you guys wealthy, or just enthusiasts?

I suggest you let that one marinate

Jow Forums was founded by moot to give pepe a home

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>Brown people can't run anything as evidenced by how all their countries are shitholes, so at that point, the gambit is that the white population would rise up, band together and kick out all the shitskins and worthless fucks, and start anew.
nice fantasy lmao
Im so glad this country is dying. I despise it


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Thar's truth

Are you even an anglo or a prot? probably some german italian irish mutt agnostic talking about muh WASP heritage

ys 1 titty smaller than the other titty

Doesn’t even make sense you incel retard

No I'm saying that I'm in a shit place too. Lots of other autistic and lonely women on this site user, you don't have to be male to suffer from those things
Enthusiasts, I'm middle class

Chances I'll end up in hospital again before June 25th? I should just run away with that mother. She already said she will adopt me.

Ped peddler

yeah except you're still here, still leeching like a typical brown subhuman. It's karma that you're miserable.

And point out which brown latin country is actually successful on a scale remotely comparable to USA, UK, France, Germany, etc.

9/11 was completely justified and America deserves 10,000 events like it

Extremely unlikely. The worst AI would do is wipe out all sentient life which is based and redpilled.
I'd like to see you try to make me post there.
this. anime has always had a place on all boards.

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>german italian anglo mutt atheist

he's Mexican unironically

>I suffer in the first world

butt she got tittays

>I should just run away with that mother
Yes. Gamble on it

>Also bought one myself because I love them too.
They're pretty cool. You should get a 1911 though, fun to shoot although a bit of recoil so lots of women don't care for them
I'm pretty sure it's so he could find other people to crossdress with (based and redpilled, surely)

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How's the wife doing?

>No I'm saying that I'm in a shit place too.
No you aren't. You're just carpetbagging off of other mens' misfortunes. You could easily be worshipped in society at a whim. Go on tinder and youll get hundreds of thirsty men even if you're objectively ugly. You do not know what it's like to be lonely, or even autistic for that matter. Female autists are "cute", male autists like me are creepy.
I do wish the Taliban ran stuff. I liked their style of government in the Emirate of Afghanistan, probably the closest thing to my androstate dreams
>I'd like to see you try to make me post there.
Okay. Post there nigger.

do you want to find love in America?

Can just imagine my parents reporting me as a missing person.

He's not married

I am saving up money to gtfo of this shithole. Hopefully I will still be able to work towards killing it

And some lat am countries used to be better off than a big part of europe. Same is currently true for lots of the arab peninsula, its pointless though becausw you think the world is a meritocracy right now and the past 500 years of global history never happened

Was too busy eyeing the patch


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