
What could have been.

Attached: Justinian555AD.png (800x434, 193K)

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Were the Arab conquests the final blow to Rome? Or was it the Sasanids just before them who weakened the ERE the most

It was the treacherous Venetians who couldn’t fuck off

ugh... muh groß imperium romanum
If only history had turned out a bit differently *cums*

it was based venetians who unironically collect debt from gr*eks

Attached: Enrico.jpg (161x312, 15K)

Don't you ever post in this board ever again
Or else...

you mean the war much later on? didn't they get BTFO?

Based. Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. And there will be no fourth.

Plague during Justinian time effectively ruined the Empire when Arabs arrived one century later, Roman Manpower was depleted by permanent wars against Iran and abovementioned plague

Attached: 472px-zonaro_gatesofconst.jpg (472x600, 64K)