At least 23 dead after disgruntled employee opens fire at Virginia Beach school

At least 23 dead after disgruntled employee opens fire at Virginia Beach school.

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god i wish that were me

Man that's just fucked. I despise Americans but don't go for the children.

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Of course it is, Cletus.

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Looks worse than war in Ukraine where some guys ambushed a military bus convoy

what the fuck was he shooting with?
a fucking tank?

Is he okay?

>23 less Americans in the world

Good riddance.


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It was a disgruntled engineer who worked for like 15 years in a government office, not a school shooter.

Another mentally fucked up STEM student, probably mad his meme BSc didn't open the door to vagina for him kek

The pic is from Mexico and cartels shot it up

what's a gruntled employee?

Why are Mexicans using American school buses?

I read a book about workplace spree killers once and it said the FBI could never build a meaningful profile no matter how hard they tried. All sorts were culprits. The only common thread was that the perpetrator had some sort of workplace grievance typically within recent memory.

I'm glad whenever shootings happen because I hate people.

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You must be constantly happy then, considering you're american.

>be boomer in america
>fed up with job
>get gun
>kill boss

>be boomer in france
>can't take anymore of the shit job

So epic and full of win how our faggot government will do literally nothing for the 3,000 time because the microdicks at the NRA are eternally on their periods.

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only if you're a pussy
the real alpha version is
>be boomer in france
>can't take anymore of the shit job
>do jack shit all day
>wait to be fired
>get fired
>ask for sweet money state
>enjoy 65% of your previous salary for FREE

Codeword for communist revolutionary: the uprising has started but the press are trying to hide it