Tfw 27 year old kissless virgin in the most promiscuous country in the world

>tfw 27 year old kissless virgin in the most promiscuous country in the world

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During my entire life only once was I hit on by a female, it was in D-Pub in Kungsholmen and the woman was some ugly 32 year old communist who told me she aspired to become a dominatrix prostitute and after 5 minutes of conversation she started insisting that I take her to my hotel room and let her jack me off on her face. I refused.


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>tfw 24 year old kissless virgin in the most promiscuous country in the world

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I am 20 year old kissless virgin

I am the most rejected man in the most promiscuous country in the world. No one has it worse than me.

>tfw sad in happiest country in world

>the most promiscuous country in the world

Really? Is there data supporting that? Is there a list?

That's us though lmao outwhored

>tfw virgin because f*nns look hideous

>>tfw 28 year old kissless hugless handholdless virgin in Russia

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