Our gov never cared enough about former low ranking senior nazi officials to arrest them. One even became our President and was promptly declared a persona non-grata by most countries on earth. Another one founded our most popular right wing party in 1955
Fun facts about your country
We almost had a Chernobyl tier nuclear disaster in the 1950s
teachers are regularly caught having affairs with students (in the south) that having contact with a student outside of school i.e. adding them on facebook is considered reason to be fired.
we still pay yearly pensions to foreign waffen-ss volunteers
Finland slaughtered some ten thousand r*ds even though the civil war had already ended and nobody was held accountable
65% of the highways in Germany (Autobahn) have no speed limit.
There are tens of thousands of Arabs and niggers in Hungary and Orbán imports them.
They weren't just reds. They were Fins who fought for Socialism during Finnish civil war. Not having enough to eat might have had something to do with that.
three of the worlds five oldest rivers are located in the united states