Do you want a paki gf?

and how do you de-westernize?

last got pruned

Attached: 33ef9c12c6fd98d46dd6d5b0415fe563.jpg (467x698, 53K)

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Be white

That's not a paki, that's Arab. Pakis are brown like pajeets

pakis are just brown enough to be hot but not shit colored either

Have sex

Attached: d.jpg (890x890, 44K)

At least post a paki bro

Attached: bb0ea721d4b32ed70225bbc5559a8e01.jpg (400x600, 38K)

She's a paki, reverse image it

She'd be considered a 5 or a 6 by white standards

stop shilling your shitty women
no one wants them, not even as left-overs

I only want an East Asiatic cutie

Attached: 41eb5e7041db4dc0f3ada183bbdaba30.jpg (564x564, 49K)