
Average Yorkshaman edish

Attached: gigachad.jpg (693x390, 19K)

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who else /emotional eater/ here

not even fat, just binge eat when I'm sad(which is most of the time haha)

*jiggles your belly*

I go on too many dates. That's what people say mm mmm

Am I the person that has to micro dose mdma and come back here with the results after a month?

Attached: 1677r.jpg (1280x960, 233K)

doing a watch

what you're feeling is amphetamines

i don't know about the long term effects of abusing those though

I wish the milkman would deliver my milk
in the morning

Lmao how the fuck could they have concealed killing 10,000 people in a town square that figure is complete shite