Do Bolivians really do this?
Do Bolivians really do this?
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>blocks your path
Why Bolivians do this?
Pls don't bully Bolivia
Bump for Bolivia
oh no no no
Bolivians do what?
bolivian tourists die touching algae?
they had an war in 32' too i think
Bolivia, along with paraguay, are the only landlock countries in the western hemisphere.
Basically, everyone makes fun of them for that.
this is just a thread of people making fun of them for having fun in the beach for the first time.
lol. why s he laughing
Don't make fun of BVLLivia
lmao what a small gay pride
also those are some pretty ugly drag queens
who in the world would think to drag as charlie chaplin?
I'm landlocked. I've been to the sea and frankly its kinda stinky, frothy and disgusting. I don't miss it.
most people here live inland and I'd go as far as saying that half of the population of this cunt has never been to the sea ever. I guess it's the same for flyover Americans or canadians from the prairies
No one bullies Paraguay over it because they never had access to it to begin with and they don't care. They bully Bolivia because they lost their territory and exit to the sea and are still butthurt about not having sea to this day, just like Argies are mad about the Falklands
user those are women.
I really feel sorry for them because they are literally taught to hate us and their politicians blame us for everything that goes wrong in their country, everything is linked in one way or another to their lack of sovereign access to the ocean
>Imagine losing 325.000 km2 and your last sea access against fucking Paraguay after a war
btw we have this
Perú will try her best!
even without sea they still have a powerful navy
No idea
Pinochet offered them sea access in exchange for land, but the offer was not accepted
>but the offer was not accepted
It was Peru who didn't wanted that agreement. Bolivia was ok with the interchange proposed by Pinochet
i though you guy give them a Free port in the pacific or it was Peru that they never use for some reason, still i don't remenber right now
Peru gave them some terrain were they could built a port (if i'm not mistaken it is called Boliviamar)
We gave them a railway (FCALP, which is maintained free of charge by EFE (chilean state railways) ) and some facilities in Arica's port, so they can export their products from there, also free of charge
cuantos nos cuesta todo eso? por qué no nos avivamos y hacemos un cambio territorial como propuso pinochet?
>cuantos nos cuesta todo eso?
Ni mucho ni poco
>por qué no nos avivamos y hacemos un cambio territorial como propuso pinochet?
Porque el tratado de limites de 1929 implica que cualquier propuesta que se haga en las zonas que pertenecieron a Peru se le tiene que consultar a este, lo cual activa una serie de consecuencias.
Ademas ha pasado demasiada agua bajo el puente, dudo mucho que se acepte un intercambio de territorio. Seria visto como una derrota por parte de los bolivianos, y un entreguismo inaceptable por acá. Por ejemplo, la sola intencion, hace casi 20 años atras, de un presidente boliviano de exportar gas por aca hizo que perdiera el cargo
Pregunta ¿dónde hay más bolivianons? En Argentina o Chile, gracias de antemano.
pa k kierz saber eso jeje slu2