I'm legally changing my last name to escape my abusive parents. Dubs will decide what it is...

I'm legally changing my last name to escape my abusive parents. Dubs will decide what it is, if it's something that will get me fired or make me an incel i will ignore

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Del Monte

Joe Gay


"Son of north-men" is this as generic as a nordic name?



this was the fastest I came up with
he didn't ask for originality

Neekerberg :---DDDD

Attached: giga.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Al-Kebabi von DeQuantin

Well you got dubs so you were merciful!
Although imagine some german called "deutschson"


pretty reasonable all things considered

Kek, allright Normanson it is. Silly but it fits my character. Reminds me i had a doctor from chicago once called Norman which means Norwegian in Norgayian

Sorry but you overshot a bit

Attached: Monado.jpg (829x967, 107K)

eplain the way your parents abuse you. im curious if norge parents harm their kids in the same way as americans

that would be Deutschsohn
but names with -sohn are rather jewish connotated.
Teutschmann would be an Jow Forums-acceptable german name


Don’t know about nords but my parents made me ugly and forced me to go to university


dubs get pls

Nice. Next time I play gothic that will be my character name



DeQuarvis-Rodriguez Al-Bergenistan



Mental abuse. Dad left when i was a kid and mother didnt want anything to do with me. Shed yell at me for anything, and i mean literally anything. I couldnt even have a general conversation with her cause she didnt want anything to do with me. Shed badger me whenever i was in the same room as her, call me a worthless retard who was physically ill and would never amount to anything. I literally went all my childhood thinking i was retarded. Taught everything i know today by myself, had to teach how to tie my own shoes, hygiene, everything, and it was all trough social embarrasment from not knowing what was normal. I wanted to seek out help but she told me they wouldnt believe me and i believed her (Shes a teacher and a well respected woman by many). Fast forward to highschool and i literally just focus on being everything she didnt want me to be. Good grades, well dressed, work a lot on my social skills, became selfless and liked. THEN after all these years she starts becomming regretful. After i work so hard on becomming all of this by myself. Never raised her voice again, would do everything for me. Her kindness made me lose my shit. The fact that she could of been this human all these years and decided not to. I moved out and im never seeing that shitstain of a human again. Her regretfulness will be my bittersweet release from the trauma she caused me during my childhood





Hernandez. guaranteeed you would ravage pussy in the western hemisphere + spain with your nord looks + that surname

de Haviland.

Same bro, good luck.


Dubs and you change your name to Nick Gurr


