Post prostitutes from your city, let's discuss and rate 'em

Post prostitutes from your city, let's discuss and rate 'em

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>It's another brazilian indirectly asking for european to fuck their women.
You don't need to make this kind of threads every day for years, everybody fucks brazilian women even other latinamericans, my country included.

>an app for rating thots
And I thought the designated tranny hooker streets was advanced sex civilization
Brasil finally leading the way on a thing people care about

Prostitution should be illegal.

Allah doesn't exist

i know? Doesnt change a thing, paco.

everything degenerate should be illegal, not just prostitution

BR girls are real definition of body beauty. oh caralho.
Uma delĂ­cia. Though I usually fuck only regulars

Attached: 10.jpg (300x280, 18K)

>Prostitution should be illegal.

Attached: 1553402711044.png (361x345, 25K)

The trannies really need to lower their prices
None of them look good enough to compete with the R$150 women

no red heads?

I never understood the appeal of trannies

oh fuck, that's where I live

Which one did you fucked?

what's it like in petropolis-rj?


Why not? I love whores

There are no Irish prostitutes. They are all from foreign countries.

You know what I really like anons? Street hookers. There's something in it that makes me diamonds.
Fortunately there isn't many here

All of these look like dudes

>not wanting to fuck a tranny
huh, this is a rare instance

Like half of them are either transvestites or transsexual. Guess I live in a town full of degenerates.

why? no one should decide what you do/don't do with your body

How common are transvestites or transsexual in Ireland?

Developing country exist
3rd world shithole women: Its free real estate.

No but anyone willing to fuck a prostitute should be committed

idk. I know a few trans people personality. but that may have more to do with type the people I associate with. Trans sex workers is a big thing though. Probably make up about 1/3 of the market nationwide. Amazing, considering they don't grow on trees.