Why didn't Paganism do as well as other world religions?

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Because pagans are faggots

Hinduism (and hinduistic buddhism eg in your country)

No governing body

It did "well" for tens of thousands of years, fucking retard.
Abrahamic religions are just a whim of humanity, they'll be gone soon enough when the global collapse happens.

extremely broad already
Supposedly you're talking about why didn't they do well against organized religions. Well there it is, they weren't organized. They don't have a solid core rhetoric to follow and when organized religions, which most likely came from a richer and more civilised nation with a larger military, came to their door step. They converted for the economic benefits. That then cascade to cultural, linguistic conversion as well.

Buddism and Hinduism are doing ok
Settle down Varg

Catholicism is pretty much thinly veiled European paganism


The pagan religions weren't really religions they were more a way of life, people understood the rites and traditions since they were born as such no one felt the need to codify them

Pantheon needs to be made a Hellenic temple again

Because you're thinking of it wrong. There's no such thing as paganism in the context of the world. It's a specific label used in European context to talk about local religions which where superseded by Christianity. When you talk about world's religions, paganism is just a small branch of unorganized faiths bordering on superstition. It's no different from local African faiths.

In the world which embraced organized religion paganism died off because it couldn't compete. The only exception is Japanese shinto which was supposed to replace buddhism, but it was not successfull basically being used today for official state holydays and nothing more (essentially making it a meme).

As for European paganism, it didn't die just because of Christianity. Christianity was there to replace it, but people were starting to question it a few centuries earlier. If you read philosophy or theology of multiuple churches, Orthodox, Catholic or some protestant churches like high Lutherans and Calvinist, what you'll see is a big reliance on Greek philosophy. What it boils down to is interpretation of scripture thru Plato or Aristotle both of which lived centuries before Christ.
Essentially, the high class philosophers of Europe at that time were questioning the gods and concluded that there must be one God. With the arrival of Christianity through a few centuries things fell into place and using their own European philosophy, people interpreted Christianity and gave it the form(s) it has today.
Although it should also be noted that being a Hebrew in the Holy Land back than was like being Sweedish in Malmö. Yes, you're technically home, but you're living in another culture. And jews back then lived in a Greek land.

Paganism rejects equality unlike christianity

No it doesn't

No it doesn’t

>in comes the American christ cuck

Exactly the opposite. His intellectual reach is to listen Spencer's livestreams and call Christianity weak and for socialists who want equality.

Im not a christcuck who worships jesus the egalitarian kike

That makes paganism good and Christianity bad.

you were right holy fuck


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seething christcuck commies

It's always the americans. They don't know shit about philosophy of old Europe nor about theology of the church, but they'll make damn sure you hear their opinion based on what some stupid American they follow said online. You made an assumption that dude said something coherent, that's where you made a mistake.
My favorite Spencer debate was with E. Michael Jones where he was demolished into shutting up and moving on to the next topic every time he tried to critique traditional Christianity. He literally does not understand it. These alt-kike retards don't know neither history nor philosophy, only what they read of Nietzsche and new age reinterpretations of his texts which is like talking about WWII without knowing what Germany is. Now imagine how dumb people following these online "leaders" are.

Hinduism numbers billions, and euro native religions are making a comeback followers of the native religion numbers in millions

Not a wrong idea

>The gods demand you do this!
>The gods demand you do that!
>Thou shall be punished!
>No questioning, only obedience or else!

Because Paganism is simply the earliest form of slave religions such as Polytheism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. They create these imaginary deities that supposedly rule above them demanding reverence. Animism is the only belief system that is in complete resonance with the natural order, and the reason Animism isn't widely practiced anymore is because civilization breeds slaves, and slaves will adopt slave religions, Paganism included.


fuck christcucks

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unbelievably cringepilled

t. Louis Cachet

it died out because apparently being the stick-up-his-ass stop liking what I don't like guy is effective in the long run

christians pushed pagans into converting but paganism was relatively passive

That's expected from a country that was broken in half with thousands of deaths in a civil war between Catholics and Protestants trying to prove who was the biggest cuck of all.

>Muh Slave Religion
Reading book cover of work of Nietzsche the syphilitic retard, doesnt ,make you smart.

That's expected from a country that named itself after some other country's Christcuck idol.

Keep worshipping that Jew nailed to a piece of wood, it suits your slave mindset well.


cope : the post

This, it did well until Akhenaten, the Egyptian kang had decided to invent monotheistic garbage. Ancient Egyptians got rid of his ideas after his death, but the chain reaction had statrted and the semites from Israel quickly stole the idea and thus invented Judaism.

In Georgian its called Sakartvelo and English exonym actually comes from Iranian Warucan/Varkana (Land of the wolves), but of course you would think that exonym is actually endonym and different etymologies, as it is common behaviour pattern for wannabes such as yourself (making assumptions on very limited or no knowledge at all)
Never in my period that I have spent on Jow Forums have I seen post with Brazilian flag, that wouldnt radiate stupidity high enough that you would need lead blocks to fend off the incoming radiation mutating you into a Macaca.

Islam and Christianity are so "successful" because they proselytize. Practitioners try to convert as many as possible.

Meanwhile pagans really didn't give a shit and many saw other gods as either valid or the same as their gods.

Because Paganism isn't a religion. It's an umbrella of lots of religions.

A full paragraph of cope. The absolute state of chr*stcucks.

You got btfod

Why do you follow the same religion of the Abkhazians who ethnically cleansed you out of your own country? Why do you follow the same religion of the Russians who want to ethnically cleanse the rest of your nation? I think Orthodox Christians have done a lot of good work in disillusioning people about Orthodox Christianity. It is an awful religion.

Only a handful of people have the brains to actually seek the truth about Abrahamic religions. Those religions, due to their violent nature of forcibly converting others into their slave belief system and killing anyone who disagrees with them, have created a unique breed of humans that only knows obedience, so they're raised in that belief system, never questioning it, blindly following the herd just as they've been genetically programmed to do.

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Most pagan communities weren't backed by large organised militaries and got steamrolled by churchdrones.

>truth depends on who adhers to it
>Russians use math, therefore its bad and shouldt be used

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Just look at these retards
>Christianity is bad because its weak
>Christianity is also a bully who ruined other religions because it's too strong
Absolute state of these poor souls.

Because society changed. Pagan religions are more about daily life and survival. You pray for a good harvest or success in battle.
They rarely answer the big questions such as purpose.
Some dont even have an afterlife concept or developed it very late.
They usually dont encourage missionaries and converting either.
The biggest religions are those wich are big on missionaries and have a complex afterlife (counting reincarnation).
The surviving polytheistic faiths are either syncretic (japan) or are complex enough to provide everything mentioned (hindus).
Greek and germanic pagans didnt encourage converting much.

Bow down to your new masters. You did it once, you might as well just do it again.

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>believe some Middle Easterner who was tortured to death by the Romans was the Son of God and also God or else you will go to Hell
That is my issue with the truth in Christianity. I just think you are pathetic for following the religion of your subjugators. I have no problems with Georgia but the Orthodox religion is a cult that has contributed to many problems in the world.

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You dont have a basic knowledge of either Orthodox theology and concept of hell (blogs.ancientfaith.com/glory2godforallthings/the-river-of-fire-kalomiros/) or History. We were Orthodox Christian for 1700 years, BEFORE Russia ever formed even as concept. Russian Cossacks also wear our national dresses, should I burn my chokha too? And again, truth.doesnt.change.based.on.who.adhers.it.or.not.

>Truth changes.
>Fact does not.

based varg

Pagans weren't strong enough to defend Europe from the Christians, and Christians aren't strong enough to defend Europe from what comes next. What's so hard to understand about that?

Christianity is Judaism for goys

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becaude it wasnt used as a political powertool
