Things aren't looking good for ETH...

things aren't looking good for ETH. I have heard rumors of a giant scandal coming where Vitalik has basically liquidated akin to Charlie Lee and LTC.

Look the FUCK out, boys

Attached: 1527460673889.jpg (1944x2592, 592K)

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he already sold most of his eth at 7. stfu

Vitalik has dumped ETH numerous times over the years

Lol ya ok


What is with the ETH FUD? Honestly, never seen so much FUD on a single coin...

A fucking bank started using ETH yesterday and yet there is only FUD being posted on here. Something is up.

That's a buy signal

Because most of us have bags of shitcoins that claim to be "the next ethereum"

How big is Vitalik's cock though?

Basically I have some eos bags that I need to get rid of. Fudding Ethereum is the only way I can make it out of wagecuckery

What's with the XVG FUD?

All I've ever held was ETH and always traded on ETH pairs. 2/3 in cash from $600 buy this still hurts guys. Is ETH ded forever??

Notice how the eth fud only comes out when eth is down.

Freudian slip. But not buy

If I had a gf I would ask to lick her feet clean every single day. I would sleep with her feet in my face every night.

I had no idea what LSC was. Wow, talk about a shit ton of whiners. Instead of complaining and making memes, nevermind... these people really are that stupid.

how many eth for me to suck on those toes?


>gross feet

Blood pressure rising

its a thing of beauty, isn't it



What's even funnier is they banned "let's go murder all billionaire" and "guillotine" memes because they "promote hate speech". LOL

fake news
this is one vitalik's known accounts:
even if he sold *some* from some other account, well, he still owns a lot

pretty gullible.

but I knew you're trolling user

Just buy now already. You're not going to be able to fill your sub $300 buy orders with weak fud like that.

Dude, my friend sees someone with a nice car. And he’s like that’s probably daddy’s money. I’m like nah he’s probably just smarter than you. I think that’s what it is, people think they are always the smartest people.

I want to taste those feet. Is that weird that i get rock hard at the sight of feet?

thanks for the signal, i just bought eth

>sees feet on biz
Is this a holochain bread?