that i don't really feel like putting more money in these days
everyone else is taking money out, but am I supposed to just keep buying the whole time?
that i don't really feel like putting more money in these days
everyone else is taking money out, but am I supposed to just keep buying the whole time?
Don't do it now. The average crypto "investor" will lose money.
This is why whales and ICOs tell us to HODL while they cash out billions.
There will be a time when the gains will fade away, might have already happened. 10% is now "mooning", soon if we just barely beat the stock market we'll get exited.
Wait till the next "halving" in 2020 to be safe.
appreciate the reply
so you think definitely don't put fresh dough in?
maybe put a small buy in every big crash, just look at the price daily. Only if you think the bullrun will happen in the next 3 months.
Also I don't think BTC is the best bet, I honestly think it is on its last leg and whales know it. So much paid BTC maximalist bullshit here on this board right now. I think they know the shitcoin wave is coming, more and more fiat pairings with shitcoins will lead to BTC not mattering. People will attack me saying "LOL ITS THE ONLY COIN THAT MATTERS BRO", if it actually mattered, you wouldn't see a million threads bashing ETH/Bcash/other altcoins. There are TONS of BTC bag holders here who bought high during december, or didn't cash out in december and are doing whatever they can to up the price.
Just remember, one of the reasons the bullrun encountered resistance was because institutions, normies with IQ above 100, saw that BTC couldn't handle more than 4 transactions per second and it cost $40 to send $100 at times.
Basically, if you are in it for a quick pump in the next few months, buy the dips on BTC, if not, stay out, or do some hard research on shitcoins.
He’s LARPing as whale trying to suppress prices (via suppressing demand) while he accumulates.
Use DCA to calmly, coolly pick up great deals at these discounts, and don’t let yourself sell until a year or so from now.
No, don't buy at all. The major crypto holders are slowly dumping everything.
I think BTC is still king.. I was just at a hotel in Canada and randomly found a BTC Accepted here sticker to my shock at their hotel store. Bought a butterfinger and shit using BTC and was stunned. I dig it.
appreciate the honest reply. it does sound like that's the unanimous conensus right now then
do what i do and just put the minimum(or small amounts) limit buy orders at various buy points in GDAX. No transaction fee via limit orders!
by doing this you can brag that you "caught" the bottom to within a few dollars whenever it decides to bottom.
What are you talking about, btc IS the best bet right now while alt coins that are scams or truly shitcoins dump to 0. It's not on it's "last legs." The bitcoin brand is more known now then ever. I wouldn't even buy eth right now since all the shit tokens it gave birth to is hurting it at the moment.
ETH is a fucking disaster. It's fucked, for real.
Only for the moment. I'm pretty sure eth will be succeed and stay relevant.
Banks are actually using ETH. The technology acutally works. BTC is laughed at meanwhile because it is so slow and literally has no utility to back up value.
Institutions want ETH, tokens that have value. Not meme monopoly money like BTC. Not a single institution is taking BTC investment seriously. The only reason they are buying it (and the only reason you bought it) was because you thought you could trick another brainlet into buying something that has no value.
Sorry the time for coins that don't do anything has passed. Its about the tech now.
There is no demand right now. More money is leaving than entering. It's all baghodler money. Look at the ethereum classic listing on coinbase. That would have been an easy 3x in a bull market. Look at what litecoin did last year as the "cheapest coin on coinbase".
Pic related is accumulation where they try to keep it b e l o w a certain price ($300) for as long as they can. Now they are trying to keep the price a b o v e 6k.
The only time "buying the dip" and HODLing would have worked was if you bought bitcoin at 5.8k in june and you'll probably lose money soon.
Never DCA, rather just don't FOMO in. Going all in today (don't though) would have beaten DCAing this year. Going all in next year might beat going all in today. Going all in at ATH will always be the biggest loser. See what I mean?
I keep hearing this but it sounds like total horse shit. The main guy himself doesn't even seem to like the token anymore.. and if that was the case why's it taking such a pounding?
I get that you guys probably have a bunch, I do too, but I'm not so delusional as to know this token is looking pretty fucked right about now
>Never DCA, rather just don't FOMO in
DCA is defense against FOMO. If you buy $10 a day mandatory buys then you have a plan and execute it.
"I'll put my money in sometime next year as a lump sum" is not only stupid, but it is difficult to execute. When do you buy? What triggers your buy? FOMO triggers your buy, and you lose.
ETH is a train wreck, I sold all ETH months ago, my only regret was not levering short.
yep, agreed on the last sentence 100%
>why's it taking such a pounding?
you know all those scam ico's? they are cashing out
>ETH is a train wreck, I sold all ETH months ago, my only regret was not levering short.
i'm not sure i agree with you here. Whats the alternative ada? so far eth is the best horse in town
>Not a single institution is taking BTC investment seriously
What is CME Future, CBOE ETFs, Bakkt, bitcoin-settled futures, Coinbase Custody and other institutional custody solutions
You have to have your head so far up your ass to not see everything lining up for a Bitcoin slam dunk. Most shitcoins don't have a future, go back and look at how many coins in the top 20 from 2016 and earlier are still around now. ETH has a future too, but it needs to undergo a very fucking painful purging process first as all the scam ICOs fold one by one and panic sell their stacks one after the other to preserve runway. There's no reason to be holding it while that happens, hell, in a sense you're doing your part to help it along faster by divesting. You're doing ETH a favor by selling it right now. Pick some back up when we're sub-$200, sub-$100 if you're feeling cheeky.
>Sorry the time for coins that don't do anything has passed.
You fuckers are never going to understand, BTC already does the most revolutionary thing a crypto has ever done so far. Just by being a tamper-resistant ledger containing a bunch of fucking numbers on it, and by being the first to do it. That's all it needs to be the next great store of wealth and the first borderless, seizureproof, (near-)instant-transfer, guaranteed deflationary currency the world has ever seen. Even if it took 12 hours to transfer and each tx cost $50, it would still have gold beat in every conceivable metric.
Meanwhile most of your shitcoins LITERALLY DON'T DO ANYTHING. They have no mainnet, or if they do, nobody uses them. And you're trying to shit on BTC, that people actually use to transfer value daily. Jesus christ you live in some fucked up mirror universe if you think BTC is the coin that does nothing when shit like REQ and TRON are out there in the wild.
It's going under $100
He was seriously considering taking a job at google. Don't let baghodlers convince you he was "joking". When has he ever tried to be funny? Most think ETH can still reach a new ATH otherwise it will drop harder than bitconnect so he has to keep up the act so he can't be blamed for the price crash of he leaves.
The dumping is only just getting started.
How long do you anticipate it to drag on then, I should say.
The alternative to ETH is AWS. I'm not convinced the world needs a decentralized app token at all.
It IS the best horse in town, AND it's a train wreck. Let that sink in. If it can get all the scam ICO money off the books and return to a semi-realistic valuation, it can maybe start to actually be taken seriously and adopted by institutions. Then again maybe not, as we've seen Microsoft's intent to just fork the fucking thing and take it private. Maybe that'll be the fate of all SC platforms, just relegated to kitties and scam games while companies shadow fork them and set up their own nodes. It's not decentralized but it'll be good enough for their purposes.
Definitely my gut instinct as well.
Ether is going to have a disastrous fall
BTC will definitely drop further IMO too but nothing like what's going to happen to ETH
ETH is literally dog shit at this point
You're not a developer of something that requires censorship resistance and/or freedom from regulation then. Not all of us want the internet to become a cyberpunk dystopia where Mark Shekelberg and Sergei Bergstein have an absolute monopoly on the flow of information and app usage.
bitcoin is bitcoin. It has its place as being a standard. When i buy stuff to transfer to exchanges i use eth for the fact it doesn't take as long.
im going to say look at the meme chart. Im convinced we are going to 4k btc and everything follows btc because its the gold standard. as far as how long who knows. I do know we still have faggots on reddit/twitter waiting for the bull run. So we are a good ways away.
i dont know what this is
>If it can get all the scam ICO money off the books
im not sure that can happen. Maybe when other coins run the same scam as eth with ico's. But then the cycle will just continue.
Either most people in this thread are absolute retards who know nothing about development, business or technological advancement.
Or they're FUDing in an effort to lower the price, too late dipshits, this is the bottom.
How do I know, all of my normie friends in crypto have just more fiat to coinbase and are buying more ETH, they thought they would never get this chance again.
I don't care whether that's true or not, what I do care is that they believe it and are putting more fiat back into crypto, many of which have spent the last 6 months education themselves on Ethereum.
This is the bottom.
sorry i mean the cycle will just restart
I will never understand people who try to say it's FUD
Does anyone here think Jow Forums has some kind of sizeable audience even?
It's near ghost town these days, it's not FUD.. I'm a real dude from Toronto who's being honest.
ETH blows
>How do I know, all of my normie friends in crypto have just more fiat to coinbase and are buying more ETH, they thought they would never get this chance again.
and this is why we are not at the bottom yet. When we see mass normie crying on reddit about it being over then ill start to put more cash back in.
>who try to say it's FUD
its a way for people to do mental gymnastics and avoid them admitting they made a stupid call
>he thinks btc doesn't do anything
Bro, I get btc is slow and shit right now but. It still has better tech than majority of the coins. Even the ones better than it or faster isn't going to overtake it anytime soon. Tell me why Reddit coins like Raiblocks (or nano or some shit now) didn't beat out bitcoin when it is much faster and feeless? Bitcoin is already branded too. Normies know Bitcoin. Old people have heard it. I'm all for better tech but people's faith is moving back to the one coin that has been around the longest and established. Sometimes better tech doesn't always win.
I will AGREE with you that ETH will succeed. Everybody knows this. It's just hurt from people using it to scam.
You're a terrible friend for letting them make such a mistake.
lol, fucking exactly
It’s going to zero. If you cannot see that, there is no hope for you. A fool and his money are soon parted, as they say.
>sell low
>buy high
classic Jow Forums
This is the time you buy if you want to make it
LOL... well i dunno about zero but definitely $100 USD
classic Jow Forums if they fall for this dumb shit
ETHER is a fucking dog shitty disaster
why do you think eth is so shit btw?
Let's just say I'm from Guelph and know a fair bit about local politics and figures.. Vitalik actually fucking hates what ETH has become and trust me he's not sticking around
I'm a bit drunk, but it doesn't blow, it does what it does well. It's a heavily adopted smart contract platform.
With LINK hitting mainnet this year, adoption is going to be insane.
ETH doesn't blow it has a growing network of developers and while the price may be losing traction, developer adoption is increasing (hopefully because there's less focus on price and more on utility).
I'm extremely long on ETH long term, for the short term the last time my normie friends were buying in was summer of last year and they haven't put anything in since, the fact that they individually sent more fiat is a sign I won't ignore
Take my advice, don't go extremely long on it. Unless you mean like extremely, as in lifetime
this does not really explain anything haha
Oh this is an eth FUD thread? I thought we were going to have actual discussions on crypto....
When did Vitalik say this to you?
He seemed pretty excited about working on ethereum last week, to be fair I haven't chatted with him since then, has something drastically changed?
Buy low, sell lower. This shit isn’t going back up, dumbo, unless maybe for a quick, tiny scalp.
The main reason it has ETF's lined up is because the whales who have a ton of them want to dump on normies. The institutions have no interest in it. Their only interest is listing it to dump it on normies.
My fear with Crypto "currency" (vs utility tokens) is that essentially, currencies can be copy and pasted since they don't actually have any utility or need for a team to really build on them or back up their value. Why wouldn't the USA just make a bitcoin clone, allow it to grow become decentralized, and then allow people to pay taxes with it?(It would probably be a centralized scam, but do you think a normie would know any better?)
Currencies are pretty sketchy IMO, and probably have a chance to be made illegal at some point. Utility tokens can avoid this since their supposed primary function isn't money.
Bagholder bingo, the post.
Lol literally the bagholder bingo
>Feels like stealing at these prices
>His normie friends are still buying
>Thinks this is the bottom