Whales, bears, bulls, do you not fucking understand

It's Us vs. (((Them)))

Do you think whales want a fat stack of something worth $1? fuck no

Attached: whalesvsthem.png (1448x135, 25K)

unironically true

But if they know the timing in advance or at least have a pretty good idea, they make more money shorting on the way down and then on the way up when people FOMO back in.

I keep seeing these ((())) with something random inside of them all over the board
what does that mean

Attached: 1526219115073.png (628x673, 359K)

It's the 'super secret' white supremacist way of indicating jews
basically Jow Forums is dead convinced that all of their personal failings are because of the jewish conspiracy


I thought kek was on your side wypipo

exactly like that, yes.

guys we have to protect the jews

Attached: 1525542252306s.jpg (201x250, 8K)

Leave, cuck.

Attached: joos.png (2001x1261, 1.41M)

a bunch of christian cucks don't have the balls to charge interest on their loans, make the jews do it, get whiny that they have to repay their loans, blame the jews

repeat for literally thousands of years

but jews are somehow the fucking problem, that's beautiful

that's actually the best breakdown of what happened

the exact opposite am true
whales are dumping for to get normies to panic sell

Red pilled, you are a gentleman and a scholar!

Your anecdote is almost as made up as the holocaust, almost got me there.

90% is wash trading between bots and 10% is gamblers getting rekt with leverage

this, they try to induce panic so they can load up cheap coins
they can also move the price however they want
there is basically 0% risk for them to fuck this up at this point

are you suggesting christianity does not have rules against usury
are you suggesting judaism DOES

and this

anyone who thinks whales are "propping up the price" is abject retarded. Do they not see the 3000+ market sells? that's not a normie panic selling

lol no faggot. Its a zero sum game

This would imply that any of these white supremicist retards have read the history as to why Jewish people are connected to banking, entertainment, etc. They’d rather just blame a group of people they’ve barely encountered in their Midwest shitholes as they eat hot dogs on wonder bread with hunt’s ketchup.

Shut up shlomo