10 fucking cents. That is the cost of one Jibrel Network Token (JNT). Keep in mind this is a coin that, within a year or so, will have TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS pumping into its measly 16 million dollar market cap. Has it bottomed out? Perhaps not, this bear market could definitely bring JNT down even further, perhaps to even half the price it is at currently. But there's no reason you shouldn't start DCAing into this shit, its practically free money if you can bring your impatient ass to hold onto it for about a year. Now I understand a lot of FUD circles this project, some of it actually justified (delays, changing the terms of the deal, bouncy castle salesman, SEED group leader is a 12 year old kid) but at the end of the day they have accomplished a fuck ton in terms of regulatory compliance and went back on the whole jBonds fiasco, so realistically this should be a minimum 15x. Think about that for a bit user, then stop thinking and just buy this shit.
Nearing rock bottom, you can't lose if you buy this shit
Can't even get a decent thread about Jibrel anymore.. dark fucking days
Everyone holding killed themselves
Realistically, this can go a lot lower. If BTC breaks 6k now, or a month from now, all these shitcoins that are suffering will hit unbelievable levels of just.
I was thinking like OP back at $.20.. Now all I'm thinking about is what kind of rope would look best on me.
It's potentially a good project but I've nearly lost confidence in them. Reality is they've changed around the mechanics so much (JNT backed jCash, jBonds/jCash split and now we're back to jCash) that clearly they haven't got a clue how this shit is going to work. There's nothing to stop them changing it again, and I'm pretty sure they will. Honestly considering how central this is to the whole project it's worrying that they haven't got a clear answer for it, what have they been doing for the past year? Nevermind the fucking wallet, or jSearch. Fair enough its delayed but I have to question how they're running themselves if something can go from apparently being released imminently to delayed for months on end.
So yeah, high potential and it's cheap as fuck but I won't be buying anymore. Just going to wait and see.
it's blowing my mind how low this is. i really hope it pulls a BNTY and tanks to a penny. i want to accumulate an insane stack and just forget about crypto for a few years. knowing my fucking luck it will bounce back in september and be 30 cents before i get paid
most erc20 tokens won't be around a year from now and jnt will be one of them
eth is done for and on its way down will rake a bunch of these shit tokens down with it
How much do you really trust the team at this point?
you dont have such thing as "rock bottom", remember that once a coin lost 99% of it's value, it still has a room for another 99% loss in value.
they're so fucking connected, to real players in the real world not the faggot crypto world. if any project has a chance in hell it's the tokenizing projects, the "bridge" projects that take us from traditional finance to crypto finance. i do believe we will have to wait years though. i am getting a big stack of fiat at some point this year. i am going to put about 20% of that money into JNT and a couple other projects then just survive for as long as possible, probably 3-4 years. if crypto dies oh well i'll have to resume wagecucking. but in the meantime i'm going to just hold for dear life and try to enjoy NEET life for a few more years
I don't think they're as well connected as I initially believed. For example, the ex-Soros manager works for the father of the bald guy the works for Jibrel. And nothing at all has came from their SEED association at all. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic now...
Correction: they SAY they are connected
Rock bottom was a poor choice of words, I know that bearfags are probably right and shit will keep going down for months, but the tokenization aspect of JNT is what I feel sets it apart from all other erc20 shitcoins (that and obviously the many connections they are establishing for themselves). Seriously this shit is guaranteed to pump to 250MM or so at MINIMUM barring the JNT team is actual scammers which I don't believe is possible with all the regulatory compliance their team already has committed to. At least starting to dollar cost average at the current15MM market cap is the right choice to make in my opinion when you take all these facts into account.
They have some good connections but it's not really clear how deep the relationships are and as of yet absolutely nothing has materialised (eg the SEED 250m doesn't mean anything for me until they actually do it)
"Guaranteed" is an even poorer choice. They could come out tomorrow and say JNT backing isn't feasible and I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.
Wasn't there a bunch of stuff slated to happen in Q3? We're halfway through and still nothing. Or has the timeline been revised to next year? Haven't been keeping up
I've became apathetic after the last update but iirc it's at least Q1/Q2 2019. That's without taking into account that I can't remember them ever meeting a deadline.
>Correction: they SAY they are connected
lol where did they say that faggot? They didn't and yeah now tell us that some random fucking guy can walk into sheikh office and get $250M in funding for his new CRYPTO project. Or get a deal with central bank
They already had to backtrack on jBonds because of the backlash, I seriously can't envision them suddenly saying JNT will no longer be used at all and will solely be a erc20 fuel token. Any situation where they pump a relatively low volume coin like JNT with at least SOME of that 250MM (a situation that is more than likely to happen within a year or so) will cause huge spikes and generate massive FOMO. Biggest risk is how they've consistently been late but I can honestly say the delays don't bother me that much since they seem to be doing things right in terms of becoming a licensed financial institution, getting connections to banks, etc. At the end of the day there are no guarantees in crypto but as far as moonshots go I feel JNT is top of the class in upside potential.
He's ten years old, not twelve.
I don't think they particularly care about backlash, I'm more worried that it's genuinely not possible for them to have JNT backing. They've been trying to distance themselves from it in my opinion.
I suppose only time will tell and I definitely see your perspective, but I can say with absolute certainty that if they don’t use any of the SEED money to pump JNT a LOT of investors will be upset and their useless token will plummet to basically 0. It just wouldn’t make sense for a project as compliant and connected as Jibrel to essentially mislead and rip off investors, but on the other hand they don’t seem to be mentioning the SEED money going towards JNT as of late on their medium posts which I can definitely perceive as a bit of a red flag.
>Reality is they've changed around the mechanics so much
>now we're back to jCash
Huh? You proved yourself wrong literally in the same sentence. Is this the average IQ of JNT holders? I'd call you a nigger, but I'd be insulting subsaharans.
Is this bait? Just because the mechanics are close to where they started (also, it started with 100% JNT backing now it's 75% or something similar) doesn't mean they weren't changed in the meantime. It took them months to scrap jBonds.
Maybe I am retarded if you're the sort of person that bought JNT with me.
Yeah it would be ridiculous if they abandoned JNT backing but they're completely able to, they took that $30mm ICO money with absolutely no strings attached.
>it started with 100% JNT backing
It was 100% JNT backing AND 25% off-chain backing. It NEVER was pure JNT backing, brainlet. I have to wonder how do you not choke on food and die, being a retard that you are.
Yes there was an off chain buffer, did I say otherwise? You're the dickhead that can't even fucking read.
>bouncy castle salesman
Remind me of this FUD again, sounds hilarious.
Talal literally did work for a bouncy castle company. Great "connection" for them.
You ever seen the bouncy castles Sheiks hire for their kids Birthday parties? they are the size of the Taj Mahal
A token price above $1 defeats the whole purpose of JNT. Did you even read the whitepaper?
I'd take that right now.
why do we have multiple jnt threads again on a daily basis?
why is it 90% shitposting and weak fud like back in march?
why why why
just let me hold in peace, I don't care if you hate the project and think of its as a scam
I don't want to see the same stupid shit again and again
and I cba to argue against the same stupid debunked shit again and again
do I really need to fucking filter the only thing I hold?
Inshallah brother
ingore the stupid fudsters
how much are you holding?
I've been thinking about upgrading to 100k, because I have decent income, and haven't spent on crypto in like a year
Originally fomo'd because I had been looking forward to the project picked up some at like 0.50c when it released then again at 0.30c on the way down. Just bought picked up another 15k at 0.09c. Think for my stack of 50k I've at least DCA'd to 0.20c. Really just like you've said the seed group deal and the 250m of resources they have makes me confident that it's just a matter of time. Really solid team who knows what they are doing. Getting down to work and not wasting resources on marketing and trying to pump their coin by paying listing fees. without and product ready