I saw a thread earlier where Finns were speaking as if they were Scandinavians and all the Norwegians, Danes and Swedes were sperging out saying they weren't. What's the general consensus?
Do Finns generally consider themselves Scandinavians?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do Finns generally consider themselves Scandinavians
Of course not. Only some fennoswede larpers do
Finnic peoples are Northeastern Germanics
No, we don't think like that. Definitely not. You were probably misinterpreting some things.
It is true. We may have acquired an Asiatic language but that's the extent of our Asiatic heritage.
Finns are a russian tribe that was stuck between a chessboard of 2 powerful nations
Give a precise definition of "Germanic genes" or whatever you are talking about
We are Asians
No. Actually if you notice someone calling Finns Scandinavian in Youtube's comment section etc, you usually see tons of Finns sperging out how we are not Scandinavians.
is Åland scandi?
i call finns scandinavian because it fits better than calling them russian.
The steppe Aryan roots of Finns is clear. The Germanism is seen in particular in the wide Proto-Germanic vocabulary of Proto-Finnic.
Why don't you just call us Finns?
just call us finns or northern europeans k?
Yeah you swedes have
More than the Swedes. Well, maybe the Eastern Finns are more Balto-Slavic but not me. (I am from Tornio area)
Dont mix slavic with this germanic rapebabby.
Finns do just fine
But we do have ngaasan heritage we can't open our eyes properly
No. We're not Nordic either.
Finnish identity and not feeling related to really anyone are both very strong feelings here. That's the general consensus. Neither do we place Scandinavians on any podium, like many other people have the habbit of doing. Different views come from zoomers, immigrants and people with other challenges.
The real question is why are there so many Finns on int despite being such a small population?
my eyes are wide open. you have lapp admixture
Guaranteed that you have as well, all finns have since N1cs stole this land from the saamis
Because imageboards have been popular in Finland for a decade now. And i believe there are more Swedish posters per capita on int
High internet penetration and strong imageboard culture and Finland is a NEET heaven.
Zoomers were a mistake.
posting in a finland thread
Look how they all collectively flock into Finland-related thread lmao. It’s actually amazing
Their tabloits must go batshit crazy whenever Finland is mentioned outside of Finland
You think americans don't flock into USA related threads? But what you say is true anyway.
Because Finland is the most autistic country in all of Europe, maybe even the world
And they also start arguing about genetics with each other even though no one mentioned it. Literally happens 100% of the time. Finns never change and I love it
Finns are not g*rmanic subhumans
They're not Scandinavians.
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Faeroes island and Island and possibly Åland too.
Meh, I’m confident about my country. I know people hate it for the most part and I don’t care. Finns on the other hand crave recognition and acceptance by ”cool westerners” which is cute but kinda pitiful at the same time. I have nothing against you, I’m just saying how I see it
you have no clue what you're talking about
>Finns on the other hand crave recognition and acceptance by ”cool westerners”
I must disagree with this. I mean on this board yes, there is a few autists who spam Finland threads but overall and IRL we don't really seek attention. The "Finland mentioned outside of it's borders - every Finn celebrates" is more like a sacrastic joke with self irony because we are a small and irrelevant nation.
Finns also never elaborate. They say passive aggressive shit like this that leaves no room for further discussion because you have no idea what they mean. Finns aren’t very sociable and they have limited ability to communicate within social norms so this is to be expected, not what people usually do.
kys brainlet mutt
I just elaborated, but you rather grabbed the low hanging fruit that fits in your narrative better.
There are many answers in this thread for your questions. Like this one: The real problem is that you see only what you want to see. Whatever the reasons for that might be.
I can tell by your style of posting that your IQ is most likely lower than 100
What you said was basically ”not all Finns do this blahblah”. Yeah, I never claimed that all Finns do it, but you’re the only nationality on Jow Forums who does it.
But you only see your biased point of view, not the outsider perspective. Seeing that requires high level of self-awareness that Finns quite often lack
Nigga u dumb
>What you said was basically ”not all Finns do this blahblah”. Yeah, I never claimed that all Finns do it, but you’re the only nationality on Jow Forums who does it.
Based on my own experience, foreigners still do more Finland-related threads so you can't really blame only us.
>not putting effort into posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum means that your IQ is low
rent free
It's mainly the newsposter and that autist who first makes the thread here and then he links it to our own imageboard. But I don't understand what is the problem of Finns answering to Finland thread?
I consider myself scandinavian always have
Finns and Swedes are brothers. The others are just useful idiots.
You see countries in Scandinavia, Western Europe, Southern Europe and you think ”wow, those countries have a lot going on for them both historically and currently” and you feel a strong sense of admiration. Then you see Finland and well... they don’t have much to show for and you realize where their insecurity stems from. Then you see how they flock into threads where better and more achieved countries give them attention (often rightfully negative) and you think ”man, these people are fucking pathetic. just look at them! I’m glad I’m not one of them”
Then you see them insulting people like the Germanics and already know a million ways to hit back, but it would simply be too cruel, like beating a dead horse or disabled child. You refuse and shrug it off.
That is the White Mans burden.
i'm at least half Scandinavian
Finns are mongol slavs, or Slangols as I like to call them.
That's your opinion, only. :^)